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Ashgate Publishing Company

The training program has incorporated the orientation phase which tends to increase participation in the widest range. It introduces drivers to the risks, dangers and statistics that are associated with road safety issues with an aim of reducing dangers exposed tom children while on the bus and accidents’ prevalence. It goes further to safeguard the degree of cooperation and the selection of participants. A small group size with trainer’s instruction is recommended to foster a quicker understand of the subject matter. However, the number of drivers expected to attend a single session seem to be too large and may tend to hinder the training program from achieving its goals. The size of a single session should be reduced to a sizable group that the instructor can manage. The training program administrators when on to reduce the group sizes from 50 to 5 which will ease the job for the instructor and further improve course understanding (Afuso, 1995).

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Career development can be in either individual level or corporate level. At the individual level, it is influenced by several factors including educational attainment, experience, and success at every stage of a career. At a corporate level, companies set up a structure, through which employees’ skills are enhanced and thus preparing them for broader tasks. This is vital as it helps employees and the company to stay abreast with current industrial trends and thus improves the company’s bottom line. Training in any organization refers to organized events such as work shop and seminars with predetermined opening and closing dates. Employee career development is quite a big and an inclusive aspect. The responsibilities’ rotation by employees among themselves so as to gain experience and study colleagues jobs for the purposes of increasing opportunities for promotion. Career development is a broader term that encompasses training which is one of the approaches used to encourage learning (Bachet, Thomas and James, 1993).

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1.) Non-exempts are employees under the Fair Labor Standard Act that are entitled for overtime pay. When they work more than forty hours a week they are expected to receive 1½ of their normal rate of pay. Exempt is a category of employees that are exempted from receiving overtime requirement by the labor. The most common exemptions are the white collar for executive, professional, and administrative employees, outside sales persons and computer professionals. The merit behind classification of employees as exempt is for eliminating the need to track their hours of overtime pay (Condrey and Stephen, 1998).

2.) A law mandating salary increase above the legal minimum wage is non-existent in both state and federal law. However, increases in salaries are practically expected by employers and employees as a reward for performance, maintenance of competitive strength, enhance employee retention and fulfillment of obligation by the employer under the contract provisions. For the purpose of employees’ retention, increases in salaries are paramount. Employees decide to seek jobs elsewhere for reasons such as poor-working conditions, ineffective leadership, and lack of benefits. Employees are best motivated by recognition and rewards such as responsibilitie4s and duties of a higher job rank. Many workers are handcuffed by employees who compensate them fairly with an objective of retaining them. Employees feel bound since they are surrounded by the thought that their options of employment are limited. Therefore, it is recommended that employees’ compensation package should be increased so that they can remain loyal, committed and self motivated on the work (Connolly and Thomas, 1997).

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The needs of employees are rather diversified within any organization. Employees’ motivation programs are always intended to optimize results that can be through warnings, rewards, or incentives. Some of the motivation strategies include external motivation strategies whereby the employer instills fear to its employees threatening them that they stand to lose status, job, money, relationship as well as respect in case they do not do things right. Incentives are also part of external motivation strategies though this category is on a short-term basis. In the event that incentive or threat is removed, it results to loss of motivation. Internal motivation is the case whereby employees set goals that are incorporated with the art of optimal thinking. Employees are always striving to do their best regardless of the prevailing situations. Continued reinforcement ensures employees strive to maintain quality standards. This can be inculcated into the plant’s work culture also used for employee performance appraisal (Hooper & Potter, 1997).

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Reward management is meant to aid a firm in determining the amount of compensation they are ready to pay for its work force. Employers will only do this after they have established that its current workforce can meet its expectations. Through the reward management approach, employers have the tendency to encourage and favor those actions and behaviors that assist the organization to meet consistently business goal and objectives. Compensation is pegged with performance, competence, skills, and contribution in the determination of the organizational factor that is most valued and what that they are prepared to part with. Financial incentives target to alert the workforce that they stand to benefit financial if they enhance their performance in itself is a direct motivation. Financial rewards are indirect performance motivators intended to produce outcomes that will be valued and appreciated by others. It can be both retrospective and prospective to some degree on the basis of gambling. Individual are likely to forget the incentives that they have received prior to achieving good results, and they will expect more in the future. This concept is appropriate during the assigning of individual to a complex assignment or project. Organization whose values, belief, and shared culture are inspired by performance, productivity recognition and the contribution of the actual achievement of them, will establish that this approach useful to foster efficiency, integrity and consistently approve and strengthen its beliefs and values. Many employees peg competition to performance because it is likely to improve performance; it attracts and retains competent persons, influence behaviors, staff motivation, to focus attention on main values and results, and reward and recognize exceptional performance levels perceived by the organization. Typically, financial incentives and rewards have the ability of only producing partial influence to the workforce’s motivation rather than induce discretionary behaviors. If its management is inappropriate, it can be a demotivator to the employees’ enthusiasm. Employees seem to perceive incentive schemes as a management control tool for furthering authoritarian leadership and detriments their autonomy resulting to industrial conflict and resentment (Tannerbaum and Schmidt, 1998).

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Creating an employee benefit package that is quite appealing to the entire work force of a company is quite challenging. Through incorporation of the employees’ demographics, employers can be use in determining what benefit appeals a certain group. For a variety of reasons, tuition assistance or in-house training may appeal to a certain segment of the workforce. For instance, the younger employees who enroll in a company-sponsorship program find it as an attractive benefit for they are able tom forego the sizeable college tuition cost. The worker aged less than forty do not put much of their confidence in their social security benefits, which leaves only the older workers to seek the benefit.

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Workers should evaluate the benefits’ cost against the possibility that they will be utilized. This has made numerous employees perceive insurance as a gray year that demands evaluation case by case. Long term insurance care is usually not a necessity and if chosen it should be in a cautious manner, considering financial resources of the employee, age, and the family history. In the current economy, most companies are forced to downsize its workforce for competitiveness. A number of factors are put into consideration before selecting employees’ benefits. It is vital to establish whether the affected workers are likely to benefit from in individual or group outplacement. Individual outplace is the most preferred by the employees though budget seem to be a limiting factor. It assists employees to advance at a quicker rate compared if they were to do themselves. The company must decide on which services valuable to its displaced employees (Afuso, 1995).

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