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The Role of a Modern Industrial Manager

Management can be defined in various ways    . In one aspect, it can mean a system of meeting objectives that add worth to the organization. In another aspect, it can be defined as a system of organizing and controlling others effectively in order to achieve the obligations of the organization. The modern industrial manager, therefore, should be adequately organized in order to recognize and plan for the organizational goals and lay down mechanisms or strategies of meeting those goals (Budd, 2004). The modern industrial manager has a main duty of supervising and coordinating management processes within the workplace. In addition, the modern industrial manager organizes the workers and ensures that proper technology is in place within the workplace. The role of the modern industrial manager is mainly derived from the personnel supervision programs for the workers and also from the operational supervision and management of the technological processes with regard to the stipulated guidelines from the human resource department of the organization. The manager is therefore seen as a leader and a voice of the employees. All the processes or programs that take place within the organization are spearheaded by the manager (Kotter & Cohen, 2002).

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In order to succeed in the duty of management, the manager should employ management strategies that work best for the organization. Nothing should be left to chance lest the organization stumbles and falls. It is a common notion that employees in various corporations are more aware about their work than they are aware about their managers. This has prompted the various corporations to resort to the old fashioned top-down management style due to the fact that in today’s world, many employees can work very efficiently under minimal supervision. The organizations in the industrial era were seen as an official chain of command that dispensed specific responsibilities to the employees within the workplace .The managers were, thus, given adequate powers to control the employees by preparing, arranging, and scheming their works. This element portrayed the managers to be adopting a top-down system of management. The top-down system of management was seen as the best management system that liberated all of the employees in the workforce (McCrimmon, 2010).

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The Role of the Modern Industrial Manager

The industrial managers are faced with a task of prioritizing the needs of the organization. With this regard, they will evaluate the needs and requirements of the organization before coming up with a system of solving or meeting those needs or issues. Therefore, as a modern industrial manager, one has to be sober in terms of decision making and problem solving as these skills are a prerequisite in the modern industrial era management .Thus, in explaining the role of the industrial manager, it is essential to explore what the manager does in the organization and the assignments he is expected to carry out in the organization. In some instances, employees in the organization normally dislike both the work and the manager; this makes the managers to conceive that the employees are in the job just for money gains, hence, a harsh management style. In other instances, the manager is so friendly to the workers and allows them to work under no or minimal supervision. This usually happens only when the employees have demonstrated their worth and value to the organization and the manager has put his assurance on them. The role of industrial managers is always the same in all organization and is always in line with the objective and the goals of the organization (Kaufman, 2004).

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The modern industrial manager will always strive to get his work executed through efficient management and supervision of the workers in the workplace. Just like investors, the managers assign resources in order to achieve the best proceeds from the investment. The resources will be distributed as per the needs and preferences of the workers in the workplace. The managers are required to pay much attention to the suggestions, new ideas, and the needs that are submitted by the employees and act on them adequately (Kaufman, 2004).

The industrial manager facilitates, coordinates, and advises the entire work force with regards to organizational matters. They have the powers and the responsibilities to hire and fire employees adequately as per the organizational needs. They also carry out job trainings to the employees so as to improve the efficiency of their works. All these roles are effective towards the development and nurturing of the employees with a view to improve the productive capacity and efficiency of the employees towards the realization of the organization (Birkinshaw, 2010).

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The industrial manager should put in place an efficient system of communication within the organization that aims at conveying information and making it possible to get feedbacks (Manfred & De Vries, 2003). This is very instrumental in the organization process as the flow of information will make it possible to tackle the challenges that might come about in the organization. Information flow plays a greater role in linking the top managers and the common employees. As a result of this, the industrial manager will be in a position to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the various employees in order to evaluate their organizational performance (Gomez, Luis, Balkin, & Cardy, 2008).

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Another role that the industrial managers play is to establish a hospitable working environment to the employees. The workers should be as comfortable as possible so as to motivate them into working effectively and efficiently with the aim of achieving and maintaining the organizational objectives. Any manager who does not provide a favorable working environment for his workers will be perceived as a failure, thus, such organizations cannot attract a good number of potential employees. The managers should therefore strive to provide a good working environment in order to maintain the image of the organization and maintain the workers (Gomez, Luis, Balkin, & Cardy, 2008).

The modern industrial manager should demonstrate to the employees that he is concerned about their personal welfare and development. The employees should be deployed to relevant locations with regard to their personal trainings and efficiency. The industrial manager should evaluate the employees before offering them job promotions so as to gauge their efficiencies and capabilities. This strategy is very beneficial to the organization as it ensures that the approved worker is in the correct place. This further helps in avoiding wastage of resources through misallocation or misappropriation. When workers are deployed to relevant areas, productivity of the organization is improved and the organizational structure is well maintained (Hyman, 1975).

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The modern industrial managers should also ensure that a proper wage policy exist for the employees. The workers should be rewarded accordingly in order to boost their morale and attitudes towards their jobs. The managers, therefore, should participate in determining and formulating the wages of the employees so as to avoid the notion by some workers that they are underpaid while they contribute a lot for the organization. The manager in this process should ensure that any extra benefits that accrue to the employees are paid in time. Outstanding allowances should also be cleared before the close of any financial year. In addition, the manager should also ensure that any worker with a financial setback is accorded the relevant financial assistance (Kaufman, 2004).

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The modern industrial manager should also ensure that there is an appropriate chain of command or channel to follow when there is any need to be met. The manager achieves this through distributing authority to the various departments of the organization which corresponds to the responsibilities that are tied to the employees’ .With this mechanism in place, the workers will find it very easy to get access to the manager whenever they need him. In other instances, the manager can decide to delegate authorities to other junior workers with the aim of dividing up or splitting up their authorities so as to avoid wielding much power that are not beneficial to the organization (Kaufman, 2004).

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Another role that the industrial manager plays is to help in solving the problems of their employees, whether they arise at the place of work or outside the place of work. This move is strategic since it gives the employees a sense that the manager cares for their welfare and wellbeing. This makes it possible for the employees to approach the manager with a lot of confidence and high expectations. The employees should be treated with a lot of respect and diligence so as to avert any crisis that might arise with regards to the welfare of the workers (Budd 2004).

Industrial managers also have a role to play when it comes to implementation of innovative ideas in the organization. Besides supporting research and development, the manager should be ready to adopt the new creative ideas that have been yielded through research. Innovation is part of modern day management practice as it plays a crucial role towards elevating the organization to higher heights with the aim of achieving a competitive advantage and gaining from economies of scale. The manager should therefore support innovative ideas so as not to remain backwards in terms of technology, efficiency, productivity, and other elements of production. When the company achieves a competitive edge, its position in the society will be sealed as it will attract top class professionals or resources that can be used to the advantage of the organization (Kotter & Cohen, 2002).












Management is a big process that entails planning, organizing, and developing roles that are executed by workers within an organization. The manager, therefore, is considered as the overall boss of the workers as he is the one responsible for delegating duties and tasks efficiently so as to meet the obligations and tasks that are relevant for the growth process of the organization. Proper and efficient management skills will contribute to the upward trend in terms of development and success of the organization. On the other hand, poor and inefficient management styles can pull the organization backward and limit it from establishing itself among the leaders in the market.

It can be noted that the industrial manager has the task of balancing the roles of the employees within the organization so as to maintain the precision and the objectivity of the organization. This strategy aims at maintaining the capacity of the organization towards excellence. The industrial manager has the task of meeting each and every need of the employees so that no one feels left out. All opinions or contributions which are made by the workers should be considered keenly by the manager without any reservations so as to make proper conclusions and adequate recommendations for the organization. The challenges and obligations that come with management should be met with a lot of sobriety and composure on the side of the manager so as to maintain the stability of the organization. Industrial management entails modern management practices. Before taking any matter into consideration, a lot of evaluation and consultation should be done so that all available avenues are exhausted or exploited.

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