Custom «Dental School Application» Essay Paper Sample

Dental School Application

It has always been my passion to help people and to do something worthwhile for them. Knowing that the most effective ways to help people is by traversing the field of medicine, I joined many health services by volunteering. I have volunteered at the INOVA Fair Oaks hospital since I was in high school until now. Under the volunteer express system at the INOVA, I provide patient service by greeting and escorting patients to their destinations, deliver flowers and cards, discharge patients, run errands for hospital staff, staff the information, registration, surgical services and triage desks, participate in special social events and fundraising activities, and provide clerical support services. I am happy that through such small deeds I was able to help people one way or another. The main triggering factor for this is my hardworking mother. She has been working hard to support my studies and to provide me with a better future. I want to pay such kindness with gratitude by helping people especially my mother.

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My mother has weak gums. She is a frequent visitor of a dentist to get regular cleaning. She needs a constant dentist visit because she could not take care of her teeth especially now that we have emigrated from Korea to the United States of America. Although my mother is suffering from periodontal disease she is still as hard working as she was in perfect health. I wanted to do something for her because she always works hard for us to get better opportunity. I can only repay her by becoming a dentist where I could treat her periodontal disease for free and for establishing dental clinic that offers free service to those who needs dental services but cannot afford to get one. Volunteering at the free moss clinic enabled me to understand the profession of dentistry. My experience at the Moss free clinic has been one of my most favorite experiences as it has allow me to directly obtained hands-on experience in the field of dentistry. But not just that, I learned to understand the things I can do for people around me and to better help them.

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