Custom «A Personal Leadership Philosophy» Essay Paper Sample
A personal leadership philosophy states the central values that a leader lives by. It entails what the leader expects from the subjects, what the subjects should expect from the leader and how the leader intends to evaluate the performance. I offer this presentation in order to enlighten you of my personal leadership philosophy. I will provide guidance on how I interact with people. This will make you understand how I make decisions and why I do so.
I believe that the basic emphasis of education is to highlight an individual’s full potential by focusing on the student’s social, emotional and psychological needs. I also believe that success relies on good nurturing, teamwork, balance and commitment. Therefore, I anticipate that my team members will be committed to achieve all round success, nurturing students’ skills and ability, proper coordination among tasks and supporting each other in their pursuit for success.
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As a leader, I am not only consigned to help my students achieve academic success, but also I devote myself to aid them obtain success in their extra curricula activities. As I mentioned before, success is wholesome, especially for young people. In my work as an assistant football coach (defensive coordinator) at a Division I school, I have learnt that paying equal attention to the two usually yields better performance in both. Divisions I school a solid tradition of excellent academic and sport performance, because the leaders invest in both equally. I observed good performance in academics during the sporting seasons. This is because the students feel more motivated and organized. During the seasons, the students follow a tight schedule of games and practice influencing their time management. The school reflects its commitment to academic and athletic achievements by offering honors to students, who do well in both. The student should have a standing of cumulative average grade point of 3.4.
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Sports are an attractive aspect of individuals, especially those in High school and colleges. To ensure excellent academic performance, some states, schools and colleges have implemented policies that encourage a participation in sport. In some colleges, sports participants were required to have higher academics grade in order to obtain permission to engage in sports. This college has very good academic performance, with poor sports record. Presently, the team has 35% graduation rate, with an average grade point of 1.8. This performance is poor, when compared to the schools over all academic performance. There is evidence to prove that sporting activity improves academic performance (Coatler, 2008).
The New York Times reported of a student at Long Island University, David Ledet. As a soccer player, the student had grade point average of three point nine; this was the highest average achievement at Brooklyn campus. In addition to having this achievement, David led his soccer team to the conference contention for all the four years while he was a student. The student attributed his academic performance to have tight schedules, which forced him to study (Vecsey, 2005). Self-concept and positive self-esteem affect a student’s performance. One way to improve a student’s self-esteem is to involve him in sports. In addition to these, physical activity has other advantages, such as better brain functioning and better concentration, which support cognitive learning. Despite these studies, there are other studies that reveal poor academic performance amongst athletes. However, I think that with a structured schedule, students, who are involved in sports, manage to score well academically.
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Physical activities and sports provide chances for students to gain teamwork values. Additionally, these sports enable them to apply academic knowledge in other areas, such as the field, which in turn aids them to obtain an all rounded education. Finally, psychological research studies have mentioned the benefits of team identification in improving academic and sports excellence. People, who identify with particular sports team, stand to gain the benefits of this association. Psychologists report that people usually feel lower levels of alienation. They also experience better self esteem, social life satisfaction, extroversion, and positive emotions. These feelings lead to transitory and enduring benefits, which increase the levels of developing better personalities (Sitkowsk, 2008).
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As a coach, I recognize a direct relationship between athletics and academics. In order for this relationship to be successful, it is important that coaches realize three potential areas, such as identification of skills, identification of habits, and identification of one’s attitudes. The classroom, just like the field, is a competition ground. In any competition, identifying one’s ability and skills are fundamental. The second variable identifies the individual’s habits, which influence their aptitude. Which habits make the individual succeed in Athletics or academics? The same habits can be horned to aid in an excellent performance in another field. Lastly, a person’s attitude determines their ability to perform. Once I have identified the above variables, I will work towards achieving success. Psychologists agree that an individual’s self-efficacy determines their success or failure. A coach should employ all the available resources to help students accomplish their responsibilities, equally inside classrooms and in the fields.
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Using my philosophy, I wish to have competent team members that will work on changing the player’s attitude to embrace academic excellence. I will retain all the previous assistants, as they will aid in helping new comers adapt to the new environment. It is also cost effective to retain the previous assistants compared to hiring new ones. The budget that the committee presents to me includes hiring only two assistant coaches for $ 16,000. We need a team with a good public image, which will appeal to donors and supporters. Because of this, I prefer to have all Americans, who just fathered his third child out of wedlock to the one released from jail. The team’s past poor performance has had a negative impact on supporters and much work is required to mould its public image. My philosophy requires everyone involved being committed into molding this image. Recruiting someone released from jail is not a wise decision, even if the person is eligible to play. This is because the public always has a negative perception of anyone, who has been serving a jail sentence. They are not good in terms of the image to be preserved in the company since this will result in negative publicity. On the other hand, someone fathering his third child may evoke feelings of sympathy and empathy from donors and fans. To avoid sponsors from withdrawing their aid of 5000,000 from the program, we must present them with our targets for this season, together with an in depth plan of how we plan to meet these targets. The plan must include new changes made on the team, visions, expenditure, schedules and game programs. I need a team that is ready to cooperate, adhere to rules and schedules, committed and ready to nurture the team’s talent.
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In order to motivate players to excel both in academics and in sports, I must employ the values in my leadership philosophy, which require an understanding of the team members social, psychological and emotional needs. When someone lacks any of these, it is easy for them to be distracted, hence affect their performance.
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