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Philosophy of Guidance

Guidance is an integral section of the absolute program of education for every child or student. Its chief objective is to nurture self discipline. It’s generally believed that discipline when handled in a manner that shows dignity and will of a child has a better opportunity for the child to internalize it (Field, 2002). The philosophy shows that integration is preferred to blind obedience for the child has a contribution.The child can do something because it’s sensible and is required and not because of a teacher’s demand or order.

Guidance and Discipline

Guidance philosophy is that children are not born already having known how to carry out themselves in proper manners. They learn the basics like love, trust, forgiveness and hope as they socialize with adults who are under their care and also other children in the surrounding environment. Child development is in a serial form and each particular child develops in his own way (Nelson, 2000). It’s therefore upon parents and teachers to instill good manners and to set standards for their children’s safety.

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Children have significant rights as humans in the society. Since they are mostly under the care of parents and teachers, they should ensure that they teach them respect for others as well as day to day morals. For instance, it’s specifically the teachers’ role to come up with an environment with a wide range of opportunities of activities. Physical activities are quite significant for developing children’s skills and talents. Parents and teachers should provide substitutes to bad behavior and provide their children with moral support. At the same time, the children must also be able to know the natural and logical repercussions of their misbehavior.

Guidance and Counseling

All people every time and again require help in knowing alternatives to their circumstances, decision making and above all taking a step of action. For students in school, school guidance programs should be issued to all irrespective of the race, religion, sex etc. Secondly, individual counseling should be available to every student as required. The details of the same should be very confidential unless otherwise the counselor has given an approval for release so as to protect the individual or other people as well (Field, 2002).

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Thirdly, every student requires the chance to come up with a good insight and acceptance and also an understanding of others. Students equally need a wide understanding of the job market upon which to lay decisions of the future career. Next is that every student needs to express appreciation for all jobs in the society and come up with an understanding of the relationship amongst gender, occupation and career. Finally, students require help with developing basic and study skills.

Methods of Positive Guidance

Children are usually most vulnerable to circumstances in the society. The first method available to positively guide them is a look at the environment. It’s a general belief that where their needs are mostly met, children are so secure that they are able to respond whenever called upon. The environment should be good for development to each and every child. It should be a challenging one and yet not one of frustration. Children are usually encouraged to make choices in accordance with their interests. An environment where limits are not consistently enforced could be precarious to a child (Nelson, 2000).

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Secondly, children need skilledstaff to help guide them. Trained staff serves as role models to children and set anticipations which they can handle. Given that children are always exploring, a nurturing staff is paramount for enhancing a conducive atmosphere where there is freedom for children to try new things. The third method is redirection.This is a guidance skillin which adults give opinions of alternative choices so as to evade conflict. It’s especially effective with very young children without developed reasoning skills.

Next is praise.Children are supposed to know when they are doing something good. Most teachers do provide positive reinforcement via hugs, spoken words of encouragement and smiles to children daily. The final method is time out. The reason for this is to allow children toget time so as to control their behavior and manners. If a child is uncontrollable and therefore not able to make viable choices, he will be taken away from the group until such a time that he is able to cooperate. Any form of violence in a child is not good and needs to be addressed immediately. The teacher will talk about the situation together with the child.

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Guidance is an integral section of the absolute program for every child or student. The philosophy shows that integration is preferred to blind obedience for the child has a contribution. Guidance philosophy is that children are not born already having known how to carry out themselves in proper manners. They learn of virtues like love, trust and forgiveness as they socialize with adults under their care. Parents and teachers should provide substitute to bad behavior and provide their children with moral support.

All people every time and again require help in knowing alternatives to their circumstances.  Children are usually most vulnerable to circumstances in the society. The five methods to positively guide them are a focus on the environment, staff, praise, redirection and time out.

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