Custom «Appraisal Performance» Essay Paper Sample

Appraisal Performance

Performance is one of the key factors that will determine success of a person in any field one wants to undertake. This is particularly in the workplace where everyone is being measured in accordance with the performance that is being done based on the specified standards and job description. There are many things that are being considered in measuring the performance of a person on a given task especially the workers. Factors such as tardiness, quality output and other important things are being considered in such a process which in turn will result to the satisfactory outcome or disciplinary actions that will yield the desired result eventually. In this paper, a performance appraisal will be measured in accordance to the given performance indicators and will also provide sufficient supportive actions to gain positive result especially to the ones needing a disciplinary action to be imposed.

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More specifically, this paper will demonstrate a great understanding on the aspect of work plan preparation that is used in the process of completing four criteria in the performance indicators known as achievement, competence, staff management and business management. Such key factors will be used in order to show that performance should not be taken for granted and must be held with high regard in order to ensure success. In the process, interviews are conducted. The interviews were made in order to know the views on certain people on performance and what are the indicators that are actually being used on a real time basis. Such will be used and incorporated in the work plan to answer to answer all the research questions at hand and to satisfy the objectives presented in the study. After the interviews were conducted and sufficient information is already acquired, the information will then be analyzed to know if the performance measured is satisfactory or not and will then give necessary suggestions for disciplinary actions to carry out the improvements that should be attained based on the outcome of the result at hand (Strickland, 2000).

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