Custom «ABC News Anchor» Essay Paper Sample

ABC News Anchor

Dan Kloeffler is a news anchor of ABC News Now, a channel that delivers news headlines, breaking news, entertainment programs and other lifestyle programs. ABC news site reports majorly on Canadian events, news from various USA states as well as on educational entertainment programs from all over the world. It is a renowned source of up-to-date well reported news delivered round the clock.

Dan Kloeffler seems to know his job well as he reports on compelling news. He does it with a professional touch, which makes one glued to his shows for the whole time he is presenting. There is little information of Dan Kloeffer’s involvement in news reporting as most of the information is concentrating on Dan revealing his personal identity (Kloeffler, 2011). However, there are news reports with substantial evidence of his involvement in their preparation. For example, the report about laid off assembly workers who won $71 Million Dollar Lottery Jackpot in Canada. In his profile, he indicates that his specialties include generating story pitches, shooting videos, writing scripts, editing packages for online and broadcast platforms and covering current events (Abrams, 2011).

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Dan Kloeffer has a blog, which reports on how he revealed his identity as gay. The blog report titled “To Boldly Go…” says the ABC news anchor's inspiration was from Zachary Quinto of "Star Trek" and thus decided to follow suit. Kloeffler reported that his decision to come out was the same as that of Zach. He no longer wanted that part of his life to remain hidden. He claimed that he did not want to remain silent and yet he can offer some encouragement and inspiration to young people who might be struggling with their identity. The photos in the links listed below show Dan in the studio when he revealed his gay identity, and when he was in an interview with the press after he had come out as gay. They appear quite relevant with the subject’s story whose revelation has made headlines (Huff Post, 2012).

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