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Art Criticism

Art criticism is the process of evaluating and analyzing of art works. An example of a factual critism is the want to design the next cover art nouveau painting by Kendrick Daye. There is a face of a lady who is blindfolded. The lady seems to be loudly saying something. One of her hands is raised up. There is the writing 3th on her raised hand's palm between her thumb and her index finger. Above her hand, there are the writings art nouveau encrypted in lower case and are filled in black (Elkins 8). The artist has created a sense of harmony by various lines and curving shapes to draw the large part of the woman's head and the surrounding objects. Basing on the emotional appearance of the painting, the woman seems to be in a melancholic mood. She seems to be symbolizing a certain sign to someone. It is clear that the painter is a stern fighter of human freedoms and rights. He depicts one should be determined even when one is seeking for their lost rights. One should not consider voices from beside and should assume to be blind to sideway drawbacks (Elkins 29).

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An example of fictional and non objective arts is the video showing at Atlanta Contemporary Art Centre. The video depicts that it is possible to express the torture being handled by another human being in a manner that is not down looking (Rand 8) . In this video the viewers have the opportunity to come and go when they please. This is fictional since the feelings of an individual can not be presented by another person, through someone else, the viewer is made to understand the feelings of the other person. During the acting of the film, the artist assumes that the viewers will understand the entire episode. However, this is not what exactly comes to be since viewers will get to understand it differently. Since this film contains no recognizable objects, it can therefore be termed as non-objective art. The whole content of the film emanated from a deep rooted and concentrated art of a certain person's idea. It continues in slow motion so that the viewer may get to clearly understand the contents of the film since it is something that is not real (Rand 21).

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