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Conclusion and Recommendations

Business Process outsourcing has revolutionized how business is being conducted in this era. The advantages that come with BPO are far much more than the perceived advantages. In many cases it has encouraged interconnectivity and interdependence among different business enterprises that work collectively to ensure the completion of given task in an effort to beat strict deadlines. Consequently cases of unhealthy competition are reduced and business entities rely on each other in the accomplishment of business objectives and goals.

As many business entities role out plans to change the way they do their daily business, majority of them have incorporate Business Process Outsourcing as one of the fundamental strategies that they are going to use to meet the needs of the consumers and ensure that goods are delivered in the market on time. Regardless of the approach used in Business Process Outsourcing the main target is particularly to ensure efficiency and perfection in its operation. However, Business Process Outsourcing has not been embraced wholeheartedly and entirely in the whole world particularly in the third world countries and some of the developing nations.

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Has it has been seen that are fundamental inhibitions that are still hindering development of Business process manufacturing and in the long run they culminate into the factors that turn other investors away from implementing the process. As the various business entities appreciate the impact of BPO, it is prudent that enough consultation should be done so that the implementation process is done in a smooth way.

Various departments in the business entity should be given a chance to approve the implementation. It should be in the interest of the entire of organization as a whole. A thorough audit of the internal process to detect shortcomings in the prevailing system should be done adequately in order to ensure that whatever process is outsourced was ideally required by the particularly department. It should be a way the top management is using to misappropriate the funds of the organization. All in all Business Process Outsourcing is the way to go when the business is targeting to have a competitive advantage.

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