Custom «Ready Boost» Essay Paper Sample

Ready Boost

This essay analyzes the performance and efficiency of Ready Boost, an element of Microsoft Windows, which is bundled with Windows Vista as well as Windows 7. Ready boost uses, mass storage devices such as USB flash disk, flash memory, SD card memory and also hard disk for use in disk caching or virtual memory.

On inserting my USB flash drive as well as an SD memory card on a vista computer I noted that they both qualified for ready boost. However I did note that flash drives with less than 256 megabyte capacity did not support the ready boost function. Furthermore, while using ready boost the SD Card data transfer and storage was disabled.

On rebooting the computer with the card installed there was considerable difference in boot time. The usual boot time is usually (without the card installed) 45 seconds but on inserting the memory card, the boot time reduced to an average of 29 seconds.

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The computer performance improved significantly when using the ready boost feature on a computer with 512 MB RAM, For example, after opening multiple applications such as Microsoft office, adobe Photoshop and adobe reader, there was significant improvement on performance and each application opened instantly: without ready boost there is usually a 3 second delay. However I notice no improvement in performance when running the ready boost feature on a computer with 2GB RAM.

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