Custom «The Trouble with Wilderness» Essay Paper Sample

The Trouble with Wilderness

The trouble with Wilderness authored by William Cronon describes how the human kind has always struggled with the guest to have a wilderness which is free from human activities and where civilization has never taken place. In order to achieve the dream of having a wilderness free from human inhabitation, people have gone as far as forcefully evicting other people from certain regions in order to establish artificial wilderness which in turn they use to lure the tourists as being natural ecosystems initially created by God with human interventions or disruptions. The human population failed in its attempt to preserve the wilderness and therefore it is this failure that has woken the human population from slumber land to discover the need for having an ecosystem which is free from the interference of human urban-industrial modernity.

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Based on this article, it is in fact very correct to the best of reasoning that indeed, there may be no natural wilderness that was initially created by God that could still be existing as for the time being. The human population has been best known for destroying the wilderness and the ecosystem in general then after realizing the mistake; they rush back to the drawing board and attempt to preserve the environment in the name of preserving the wilderness. It is therefore ironical that as much as they know the wilderness they struggle to preserve after destroying is a human creation, an impression is created in the tourists' minds that the wilderness is God created. Based on this article, it is therefore correct that the wildernesses which exist today are indeed the creations of mankind and not the creations of God (Perez 101).

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Based on the human population's greed for civilization, it cannot be true that a natural wilderness created by God and free from human interferences could still be existing at such a time. According to Perez, the human population has all throughout history been struggling to live rightly by mending past mistakes. It is correct to ascertain that the wilderness cannot be destroyed from the very thing it was created but by human beings who later struggle to mold its vision by establishment of parks (Perez 102).

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