Custom «The Rise of the Locavore» Essay Paper Sample

The Rise of the Locavore

Nowadays, in U.S.A fresh and healthy food is prime concern. People's mindsets in U.S have been changing quickly, and now people are more concerned about locally available fresh food. The Locavore movement also denotes to local food and its healthiness, it has been initiated by the formers and the consumers for fresh food. Indeed, the movement has also been geared up with the mass awareness about organic food's shortcomings and its impact on health. Therefore, the message is clear from the movement "If you buy organic, you care about your own body; if you buy local, you care about your body and the environment."

Consequently, the movement, on the one hand, started debate about farming the complete variety of food at one place. And on the other hand, it identified the problems take place in urban cities about local farming.

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There are many states in U.S and all of them do not produce a complete variety of food. Bruce Peterson said "It gets complicated since not every state grows apples and lettuce, and even when they do, it doesn't grow at all times of the year." At the same time, there are metros and urban area/cities in U.S that has very costly lands. For farmers it is impossible to purchase land on that price. Therefore, local farming has elevated another barrier towards the implementation of Locavore.

However, people are quite keen to pursue the Locavore and many have started it as well. There are hundreds of towns where people are joining Community-Supported Agriculture Organizations (CSAs). Even, in the urban areas like New York the Locavore has been implemented partially. At the same time, there are several nonprofit organizations that are helping people to grow fresh-food in their towns and nearby. For instance, Jacquie Berger, executive director of Just Food a nonprofit organization says "We are even teaching people how to prepare seasonal produce."

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Hereinafter, U.S citizens have intended to get fresh and healthy food for them. For that they are supporting localized framing at every level. It seems quite complicated, but, it is happening and will put good impact on the environment and the people's health. As its slogan is "If you buy organic, you care about your own body; if you buy local, you care about your body and the environment."

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