Custom «Fifth Ward Houston» Essay Paper Sample

Fifth Ward Houston

The recent 5th ward city of Houston council meeting held on October 1, 2011 was chaired by Mayor Annise Parker . In attendance were council members, nonprofit entities, area residents and service providers. The agenda of the meeting was to deliberate on the ongoing development projects as well review the progress of the (fwepinc) fifth ward enrichment program.

The mayor tabled a list of recommendations made following field observations, needs evaluation, and community surveys. From the list, projects including footpath erection, extra signage and signalization, crosswalk stripings were mentioned. goals and objectives of the projects including improvement of access to neighborhood schools, parks and community centers, easy connections to public transport systems as well as facilitating walking and bicycling by improving protection and safety were discussed at length. Sponsors agreed to fund creation of more footpaths to improve connectivity all over the learning area.

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Council members commented on the good work done by the 5th ward redevelopment committee in their efforts to rejuvenate the historic 5th ward surrounding. According to earlier report on studies done in the ward, council members as well as the locals adopted the implementation of recommendations for measures and actions that will improve and increase the market, broaden types of products and boost steadiness of the 5th ward growth. It was agreed that ‘the Fifth Ward Community Redevelopment cooperation’ be allowed to continue to construct more housing units which can accommodate many families like the ‘pleasant hill village a multi-story independent living facilities for seniors’.

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On social aspect, the mayor praised the efforts instilled by the ‘fifth ward enrichment program’ of engaging young adults in community development projects as well as educating parents on positive ways of strengthening their family ties. Others complemented were policy makers, a cleric and university leaders who promised to refurbish Deluxe Theater on Lyons Avenue as part of the larger approach to revitalize Fifth ward.

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