Custom «The Birth of Texas» Essay Paper Sample

The Birth of Texas

Texas attained independence form Mexico in 1836. Texans led by Sam Houston defeated the Mexican army at the Battle of San Jacinto. As a result, Texas attained sovereignty in one of the most significant wars in history. Most of the Texan history can be traced to this event. This was a fresh start for the people of Texas, and most history goes back to this point. After Texas had attained its autonomy, political conflicts started pitting two divisions of the self-governing Republic (Fehrenbach 263). The autonomist division, headed by Mirabeau B. Lamar, supported the continuous self-determination of Texas, the eviction of indigenous Americans, as well as the spreading out of Texas to the Pacific Ocean. The other division, headed by Sam Houston, supported that Texas be annexed to the U.S. along with co-existence with indigenous Americans. The differences between the two divisions were epitomized by the Texas Archive War event. 1n 1842, Mexico sent two undersized missions into Texas. The township of San Antonio was taken over two times, and Texas was beaten at war in the Dawson carnage. Notwithstanding these victories, Mexico withdrew its forces from Texas, and so the new republic continued. The tea’s incapability to secure itself gave extra impetus to Texas's ultimate annexation into the U.S.

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In the earliest vote after Texas attained self-rule, Texans elected in huge numbers for the annexation to the U.S. Yet, all through the Republic interlude, no annexation pact was accepted by the two nations. Antagonism inside the Texas republic from the autonomists as well as powerful resistance in the U.S. made the Texas's admittance to the Union sluggish. Texas was at last annexed after the pro-expansion James K. Polk emerge the victor in the 1844 voting. Finally, U.S.’ head of state James Polk, elected on a campaign pledge of to admit Texas into the Union, signed the Congress law that made Texas the 28th state of the U.S. in December 29 in 1845.

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