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An Interview Report

Soccer has in the recent years become the most popular sport all over the world. There have been notable advancements in making sure that people, irrespective of where they live, enjoy soccer as it is happening. Due to the rising anxiety, I became curious and wanted to know what is in store for the viewers in the world of soccer. I had a one on one interview with the manager cum coach of Chelsea Football Club, which is a leading soccer team in London. They are participants in the UEFA Champions League and the FA Cup among others. He is Carlo Ancelotti, who was previously coaching AC Milan for the past eight seasons. The following was what I found out;


Thank you for kindly accepting to spare me some of your time today, I really appreciate it. As a manager of the team, what is your daily schedule like?

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You are welcome and it is my pleasure to spend this time with you. A team must continuously practice in order to improve its skills in the game. On a daily basis, the team gathers at the stadium in Stamford Bridge for a practice session. As the manager, I have a duty to ensure that each player is present and if not, the player should notify me in advance. I also make sure that I keep the contacts of both the players and their close relatives. In case of game, I provide the necessary supplies required to ensure the smooth running of the game. I am also in charge of making sure that all players abide to the set rules of the club.


What are the future plans of the team?


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The team is highly determined to maintain its legacy of being one of the best clubs in London. This will be achieved with the close cooperation that is being maintained between the enthusiastic players and the management. The more experienced players for example Didier Drogba, who is a striker, are even willing to give extra time to nurturing the upcoming footballers to continue with their legacy of victory. This is a sure way of ensuring great performance of our team. In expansionary terms, the club under the leadership of Roman Abramovich intends increasing the size of the stadium.


What positions are you probably planning to upgrade next year?


As earlier announced, we are eyeing the Bayern Munich’s Toni Kroos for a price of $9million. He is a German mid-fielder who made appearances at the just concluded World Cup in South Africa. We consider this as a smart move as he could replace Frank Lampard or even Michael Ballack in the coming years. The 20 year old is talented and has shown huge passion for soccer. This is very important for every successful player. We have been watching him since he was sixteen and I think it is now time to make a move on him. He has grown tremendously over the past four years.

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All the best with that. Have you identified any weaknesses as a club and if any, how do you plan to deal with them?


Like any other organization, we have had several ups and downs. For the ups we hope to maintain them and even become better. For the hard times, we are working on improving them. For instance, in September 2009, we had been banned from signing up any new players for two consecutive transfer windows. This was based on the claims that Gael Kakuta, a French winger, had breached his contract with RC Lens, when he was signed with Chelsea in 2007 and that the club (Chelsea) had given him all their support despite knowing that it was wrong. It has become the policy of the club to always ensure that all contracts abide to organizations such as FIFA. This will ensure that no such contradictions affect the running of the club.

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What is the comparison of the roster of your players now and in the past?


As you may have noted, most of our first team players have been in the club for a considerable amount of time. As such, we are able to learn about each player as time progresses. This means that currently, the roster of the players is better compared to earlier times. The longer a player has been around, the easier it is to cooperate with him and also with his fellow players. As we advance into the future, the quality of the game improves.


You have been in the soccer business for a long time, what is your background and how did you join this business?


I have had an inborn love for soccer since I was a young man. I slowly nurtured my talent right from the clubs in the neighborhood and soon rose among the renowned players in Milan. Back in 1979, I scored two goals that earned me a promotion from Serie B to Parma. I participated in the 1989 finals. I scored the winning goal against Real Madrid. I was also playing in the 1990 World Cup and I won a total of 26 Italy Cups. I never looked back and I am proud of the far that I have come.

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Finally, what advice would you give to any person who hopes to join the soccer business?


Never give up your dream. Whether your dream comes true or not solely depends on your willingness to pursue it. It does not matter where you are at present, look forward to the future. You never know unless you try.


Thank you very much sir for your patience ad for all the information you have given me, I am very grateful.

Love for soccer was clearly evident on the face of the interviewee and this represented the passion that is all over the world for soccer. I learnt that dreams for sure can become reality. Let us all learn to chase our dreams and overcome the challenges therein.

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