Custom «Emirates Airlines» Essay Paper Sample

Emirates Airlines


One of the most essential goals of a corporate honcho imparting any kind of services is to provide its customers premium quality service to effectuate paramount customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction becomes even more crucial in cut-throat competition that subsists these days and companies definitely comprehend that. In order to provide the best service and facilities, they hire masterly professionals and include the most modern amenities in the list of services. The current market is over boarded with far too many companies in the same field of services and all of them are striving to prove themselves the best of all. This is the reason why every single company needs to chalk out its strategies and plans that will sway the customers off their feet. This is not only competition, but a vicious fight for existence and retaining good name. The longer the lists of satisfied customers for a company, the more are the chances of growth in terms of popularity and profits. Like any other section of service industry, the competition is no less tough in the airline field. However, Emirates Airline has victoriously secured a merited place for itself. They have amalgamated the best strategies that the customers from all parts of the world cannot help, but prize. A brief account of their background and services would be very much in context with understanding the secret of their flamboyant success story.

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Historical background of Emirates Airline

Emirates Airline is a 20 year old company, which started its journey with only two aircrafts- an Airbus-300-B4 and Boeing-737. Right from the commencement they had the objective to provide indomitable and pertinacious services to their customers and not just focusing on augmenting the profit margin at the cost of quality. This is the reason why they have emerged as one of the most prosperous airlines hosting flights for local as well as worldwide destinations. The concern is owned by the Government of Dubai and they have been able to hold their leadership in spite of the open sky policy of Dubai, which allows all other international aircrafts to avail the same route. The average growth rate of this company has never gone below 20%, which is quite laudable. The financial year 2008 featured a 31.8% growth in the company’s output, which absolutely accounts for the bright future of Emirates Airline. (The Emirates Story | About Emirates | Emirates.)

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In 2009, when most of the airlines are focusing on cost cutting, Emirates airline has declared to increase its operational capacity up to 14% which is a commendable initiative indeed. (Airlines idling more planes as they cut capacity - MSNBC Wire Services -

Inception of Emirates airline

 Four extremely well-functioning sections of Emirates airline are the “Cargo division”, “Leisure division for destination management”, “Ground handler” and “IT department”. The company is currently operating with a fleet of 126 aircrafts. Emirates Airline conducts flights to more than 101 destinations across 62 different countries. Every week, around 700 flights depart from the airport, which stands testimony to the popularity of Emirates in the aviation industry. Without making any compromises with the quality, Emirates Airlines is trying to increase their market share up to 70%. Entertainment and amusement of the customers have always been the priority of Emirates. They allow the passengers to select their favorite CDs, movies, and books from the libraries which spice up the journey making the company one of the preferred airlines.

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Expansion of Emirates Airlines

Emirates Airline is one of those companies that have always retained a typical pace in its growth in all aspects. In the year of 2001 they purchased the most expensive fleet, which was considered a milestone for the entire aviation industry. The order was worth $15 billion for 58 Boeing and Airbus aircrafts. This venture was followed by many more orders, which were worth billions of US dollars that were spent to push the expansion they have witnessed. The rapid growth of Emirates Airlines has created myriad job opportunities for qualified aviation employees. In order to sustain its quality of facilities and services, Emirates Airlines hires the most efficient workers of the market. Their human resources department is considered the most competent of all other airlines. The company employs over 33,000 personnel on their payroll and they hire 600 new trainees every month. The company has realized the fact that employee satisfaction is another key to be successful. They provide the best perquisites and emoluments to employees, which inspire them to put their best on the job. The resourceful company is raising the bar higher for competition and the employees certainly form one of its pillars.

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Besides the Dubai stopover flights, they also have increased their range of operations to various destinations. Cote D' Ivoire, Tunisia and Ethiopia are three of the recently added names in the list of locations of Emirates Airlines. Other newly included destinations are Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria. They also have frequent service to Germany on a regular basis, which includes the double flights to Frankfurt and Munich and single flight to Düsseldorf and this is why they have captured the largest share of the German aviation market. They have taken the initiative to employ people from Germany and this is also a part of their business strategy.

Close rivals of Emirates airline

Every continent and country has a different trademarked airline, which popularly caters to the residents of that particular area. Emirates, though is the largest and most acclaimed airline of Dubai, faces stringent competitions from other airlines from Europe and Australia. British Airways is the cardinal contender as they are the nonpareil name in European aviation market. Lufthansa and Air-France KLM are two of the other successfully emerging airlines that are striving to capture the market acquired by the Emirates airlines. In fact the contenders often aim to chalk out more flyer-friendly routes in order to outperform others. Some of the closest rivals of Emirates are too concerned about their reputation and business market, which faces sheer threat because of the enormous growth of Emirates airline. They have accused Emirates of sharing in clover relationship with the authority of Dubai airports and having received additional subsidies from the government. But the company has always handled the rivalry in a healthy manner and has also protected the brand’s reputation and growth keeping away all odds, which is the proof of their brilliant business strategies.

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Marketing and promotional ventures of Emirates

The sponsorship programs have always proved effective for marketing and promotional purposes. Keeping this into consideration, Emirates Airlines has sponsored quite a number of events and sports organizations and this has proved helpful in enhancing their reputations in the global market. Emirates Airline International Festival of Literature is a popular event hosted by the airline independently. (Welcome Message | Emirates Airline International Festival of Literature). The sponsorship of Dubai Shopping Festival is one of the biggest ventures of Emirates alongside the other initiatives like “West Australian Symphony Orchestras” and “Dubai Summer Surprises”. The in flight announcements, shows and magazines are other great ways to promote the brand name. The airline has also been awarded for their global approach for marketing. (Scoop: Emirates Honoured For Global Marketing.).

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Emirates Airline has proved through their journey since 1985, that providing quality services and sophisticated business strategies are two of the keys to acquire success in the service industry. But incorporating new business policies will always aid in increasing the success rate of the company. Watching as well as anticipating the next steps of the contenders is forever helpful in staying one step ahead of competition. Including more modern amenities will also attract the customers. The special packages designed for all the economical classes bring in customers from all strata’s, which helps them acquire a large section of the market. The spacious cabins, young and enthusiastic attendants make it the fastest mounting companies of the market. (Emirates Airlines Business Class review) The interiors of the aircrafts always feature the new and well-decorated look, which is one of the reasons why people prefer a flight with Emirates Airlines. A complete customer friendly approach should take them a long way. 

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