Custom «Car Culture» Essay Paper Sample

Car Culture

Cars and landscapes in which they exist have proven to be very central to human life from the most intimate to a wider sense of global crisis. Car culture has been observed to be able to inspire epic passions particularly from road rage in UK to the struggles of driving cabs in Africa as well as the emergence of black identity in America. This essay focuses on the essential of humanity of cars that incorporate jealousy, differences in gender, fears and moralities that are associated with car culture.

Gender difference is an important element in the car culture as featured on road accidents, injuries, and death. Currently, road safety education has lacked adequate way of understanding and responding. Car culture constructions describe masculinity to be central to the problem. This literature search focuses on car culture to indicate how risk laden car culture emphasizes on masculine powers of men and excludes women who are attracted to the working class male.

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Car culture has its origin in the US and has contributed to an increase in individualism and few social interactions between people to different socio-economic classes. However, the love affair with cars is not purely an American phenomenon since, in various parts of the world; consumers are racing to purchase more bigly and luxurious cars. For instance, automobiles form a critical part to the global transportation system. Car culture has created difficulty in the creation of sustainable urban transport particular as the consumer demands calls for size and horsepower as compared to mobility or sustainability. When cars get so culturally valued, instead of being functionally important, it makes necessary reforms for sustainable transport difficult.

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Motor vehicle provide convenience, as well as, unprecedented mobility, in addition, cars have destructive effects on people and the environment. Motor vehicles have killed many people in the world, and due to these many countries have spent millions of dollars to build roads.

Furthermore, cars have many things to do with land loss, air pollution, and climate change. The innovation of automobiles took several years and, until 1885, the first car was made. The car culture reached its maturity after World War II. However, the political, economic and social frameworks that affect it were in place long before the WW II. Currently, cars have had a significant effect on the culture of the middle class (Mackenzie et al 23).

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Since the early years of automobile, car manufactures and, automobile fuel supplies lobbied governments to build roads under the influence of Keynesian-style political ideologies. For instance, in UK there had been massive road building projects that were initiated by a number of various social democratic governments after the WWII, in an attempt to create jobs and make cars available to the working class. From 1970’s onwards, the promotion of cars and other automobiles was seen as a trait by some conservatives. This was observed as a great car economy that led to an increased government spending on roads.

Cars culture has provided two distinct personalities of people. The first personality is that cars are friendly and are attractive assets. On the other hand, cars are very destructive machines and very lethal to human beings. Thus, the quest to own cars is linked to pleasure, sexuality, convenience as well as freedom. Men have lust for attractive and big cars, these prestigious cars indicate that men have lust for women as women also have the desire for men with luxurious and big cars. Furthermore, car culture illustrates how men are interested in power and performance and want to know something about car engines. Furthermore, car culture has an attribute that is well presented in societies, where women are considered as not equal partners in car cultures across social classes. For instance, during the early 19th century, the situation did not change as cars became cheaper and more women were able to get an opportunity to drive them. During 1920’s cars seemed to impact more on the family behavior, both families which owned a car and the families that never owned one. Hence, cars were a major source of friction in the middle class families.

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Cars imposes a lot of expenses insecurity to people since the drivers are exposed to risk since they have put their investments in roads where they can be attacked by robbers. This kind of insecurity may lead to selfish behaviors and a much refined middle class financial violence that is caused by the emergence of middle class citizens that can be translated to affairs of individuals that possess a car culture.

Cars became a measure of failure as a symbol of success. However, it has been noted that there is something wrong in logic apparently because either non-serious women had an influence on car sales or serious men would like to have the same sentiments. Women in general are less serious about car culture, as opposed to men who are very romantic. This is attributed by the nature of men who tend to impute to cars more value as opposed to women, yet they have increasingly selected cars to please women due to their faltering male ego.

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Many men have made their cars be art objects and converted many weekends into some sort to religious ceremonies to polishing the cars.Thishas been seenin car wash in which men have made to be someformto anationalinstitution or aclubfor young men havingveryfew women workers.Another stylisticrevolutionof car culture is incarcredits that have changed over timedueto advertisements.Due to modern technology in car manufacturing, both men and women have tried to keep up-to-date with modern car models.

The woman’s point of view concerning car culture has been heard more frequently as an increasing number of women entered into the car manufacturing industry. By 1970’s women began to be employed in the car manufacturing industry but most of them have continued to occupy lower positions with low pay than men but some of the older stereotypes concerning women began to disappear. Most women do not like the car speed for its own sake. Currently, women hold responsible positions in the car manufacturing companies that formerly would have gone to their male partners.

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However, in as much as people like cars for comfort, prestige and as a symbol of wealth, there are many effects that cars have on the environment. For instance, the fumes that are emitted from the car exhaust pipes contain gasses that can pose a threat to the environment. These fumes contain green house gases such as carbon monoxide and have the ability to block the suns rays that are reflected from the earth’s surface, hence causing temperature changes. Through this, the car culture is a major contributor to global warming. Due to an increase in the number of cars that are being manufactured and bought by consumers, the rate of temperature change continues globally.

The current models of cars are manufactured to achieve efficient fuel combustion, but with time, cars undergo wear and tear. Due to this, car engine fails to function properly hence, resulting into emission of toxic substances in the atmosphere. The pollutants that are generated from cars may cause health effects to man and affect the environment. For instance, some of the health effects to man include respiratory diseases as well as lung cancer. Furthermore, these toxic substances are lethal to plants and animals which form a very crucial part of the ecosystem.

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Among the greatest impacts of car pollution is thedepletionof the ozone layer which prevents the harmful ultra violet radiation from reaching theatmosphere.These harmful radiations can lead to many diseases such as skin cancer, melanoma, also contribute to genetic makeup of living organisms. In addition, car culture may also lead topollutionfrom cars that may pollute drinking water when pollutants fromsmokeor fumes from car exhaust reacts withrainwaterhenceleading to acid rain. This acid rainfurthergets its way into water bodies. In addition, water pollution may also occur when oil that leaks from cars mixes with storm water and pollutes thenaturalsources of water. Noise pollution also occurs from an increased decibel levels from cars. Noise pollution causes a lot ofdisturbanceto living organisms and the environment. Particularly the ecological andmanyliving creatures have had behavioral effects due to high noise levels from cars. Furthermore, noise pollution from cars can cause various health effects tomansuch as high blood pressure and mentaldisturbance.

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Cars occupy major portions of our cities and urban centers there is the likelihood that land pollution arises from the heavy reliance on cars. Therefore, it is important to change attitudes on car culture, in order to reduce pollution levels in the environment. Cars are causing a lot of consumption; since they are designed to make men feel better than others by showing women that the owners are desirable males. Thus, the transport role of cars is viewed as much secondary since the point is not to travel but to be seen to travel, or not to travel faster but to be seen as having the option to travel, (Shaw 1).

In conclusion, car culture evolved over time and controlled by some kind of rational overview. Never did anyone decide that power should be available in some unlimited amounts since it just happened. Hence, it is important for car manufacturers to supply in the industry what car buyers are prepared to afford. Car models should be able to meet the environmental standards to control pollution, for instance having small cars but with high performance engines. Consequently, supercar models have no benefit to civilization that makes them exist; they impose a lot of harm to resources and contribute to the perception of inequality in a society as well as unfairness.











Cars have caused fragmentation in the neighborhoods and has led to a reduction in human interactions in various ways, for instance the mobility culture has imposed to man general implications on the sociability of the culture that includes various kinds of pollution that arises from car use, hence car culture can also lead to impunity as victims of accident may get away with murder. Cars have a greater role in increasing consumerism, as well as, contributing to inequality in the society that is associated with growth in wealth and disparity in communities. The use of automobiles consumes a large part of income earned by individuals. However, the concept of car culture has been promoted and is clearly evident in huge subsidies that are bestowed on consumers to make them drive in most places cheaply and most efficiently. It is not easy to ascertain the true cost of driving a car since their disclosure may cause a reduction in car use, hence leading to incompatibility with the interest of petroleum firms, car manufacturing firms as well as road construction. In addition, car culture has also led to a large portion of increased healthcare costs that occur as a result of car accidents. Furthermore, the environmental degradation that results fro car use is very impossible to calculate and has become certainly insignificant.

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