Custom «Pepsi Cola Company Advantages» Essay Paper Sample

Pepsi Cola Company Advantages

Everything We Do, We Strive for Honesty, Fairness, and Integrity.

Honesty denotes moral character and positive virtues within an entity. This term implies the absence of theft and any form of lying to the public. Honesty is depicted in Pepsi Cola Company by the fact that the organisation performs vigorous audit checks on its financial statements. This ensures that the organisation gives the correct figures of their gross and net profit. These figures serve to ensure that the correct amount of tax is paid to the government. The core values used within the company also emphasize honesty within the company. These include the fact that they ensure their communication is understood to avoid deceiving the public.

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Fairness, on the other hand, refers to equity and discretion while passing any judgement. This is clear in the Pepsi Cola mission where they state a desire to act equitably to all the stockholders. Pepsi Cola has a mission to produce convenient foods and convenient beverages. The company seeks to give financial rewards to those that invest in it. They also wish to reward their employees generously and give them chances of growth and enrichment. This implies that the company invests into the lives of its employees. They also enrich the community and all their partners. It is further accented on the core value of respect for other people.

Integrity refers to consistency in the actions that are executed by an entity. It refers to consistency in principles, methods, outcomes, and expectations of the entity. Integrity is denoted in Pepsi Cola Company living by the values that it claims to hold itself. This is well denoted by the company holding on to its vision where it has to maintain the integrity while dealing with public.

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The vision of Pepsi Cola is to improve the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the organisation. The organisation also has an adage which has to abandon a positive mark in the society where it operates.

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