Custom «Renault-Nissan» Essay Paper Sample


Renault-Nissan is a top selling automobile manufacturer and first automobile conglomerate in France with over 13,000 worldwide employees. The company undertook a strategic move of reducing costs across the enterprise by establishing a shared service centre to increase efficiency by managing HR requests. However, they had challenges that needed to be conquered. Appropriate tools and technology to manage HR processes and a software solution that would be adopted by managers and employees rapidly were urgently needed.

The shared service launched by Renault-Nissan was the first strategic initiative that consisted of several operational teams; administrative tasks had three groups of first-level support, executive support had one group of dedicated agents, managerial reporting, technical support and one group of experts which dealt with more challenging cases. SAP performed certain tasks but an additional system was urgently needed to manage workflows and organize requests which were becoming complex and raising concern. The new solution would have to increase productivity by at least 30%, provide case tracking with a complete record of inquiry and its resolution process and provide a report for daily performance, strategic objectives and queue management.

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As Renault-Nissan receive requests, its agents are equipped with Neocase KB and Neocase workflow engine for transferring and escalating cases where appropriate. The solution for improving operational efficiency at HR SSC involved setting up Neocase technologies in two arenas. Workflow; Neocase HR and Neocase knowledge standardized resolution procedures and streamlined workflows enabling a productivity gain of more than 30%. Employee empowerment and case reduction; Neocase’s dynamic knowledge base and the employee service portal based on Neocase self service reduced the number of inbound enquires hence freeing up the HR manager. The Neocase HR solution was deployed in Software as a service. Its implementation, customization of employee self service portal and workflow engine took approximately 50 days. Neocase incorporated highest security standards within the solution and maintain sensitive employee information.

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Implementation of Neocase HR solution, Neocase Self Service and Neocase Knowledge Base resulted to a 30% productivity increase in HR SSC, a reduction in case creations, a 40% improvement in employee and manager satisfaction and a reduction in inquires resulting from employee self service portal and knowledge base.

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