Custom «Synopsis» Essay Paper Sample


`The book explains the approaches that can be used in creative thinking mostly in solving corporate problems through brainstorming. The book explains that the most important approach in brainstorming involves creation of the right atmosphere, where each team members feels free to express their ideas, freely, and is respected by the others who keenly listen to each other’s proposals without judgments or involving personal or subjective opinions on such ideas. Osborne is one of the executives who advocated for such an approach. The text highlighted the importance of involving playfulness in the work places where team members remain rejuvenated. Walt Disney has its success in involving humor to encourage creativity in the working place. According to the text, the best way to solve a problem involves the team leader proposing the problem and inviting the team members to critically brainstorm over the issue to generate possible approaches in solving the problem. Each team member puts forward their best possible solution options, where these options are read to the team members. More critical thinking follows in selecting the best option among the many possible options, as proposed by team members. Brainstorming according to this text might be individual, in a group or mixed systems involving both. When brainstorming cannot offer the required options, brainwriting is suggested as the best option, where the fears and reservations in brainstorming are avoided. A mixture of the two can however be much more effective. The use of images and charts in relating ideas among team members as well as comparing ideas and commenting on one another’s idea are among the best approaches in brainstorming and creative thinking. These problem solving approaches require CEOs to convene regular meetings in the juniors where the brainstorming sessions can be carried out. The Japanese approaches such as NHK and KJ are among the best ways to churn ideas in developing problem solving skills and options.

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Creative thinking in solving problems and coming up with innovative ideas is the largest the prerogative of a learning environment that equips students with the right skills each day. Making decisions requires choosing among several possible options to settle at the best possible option among many. This brings about the idea of brainstorming. Brainstorming may be explained as collective thinking or sharing of ideas in groups, to choose and settle on the best possible option that best solves the problem at hand, or that would portray best innovativeness in a learning environment. Each student in a group has to make their input, which would then be evaluated step by step to settle at the most feasible idea. Encouraging brainstorming in the learning environment would eventually increase the culture of creativity and team working in the learning environment and into the future.

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The best approach in brainstorming would involve each group member proposing the best approach to a problem. These possible options are further evaluated within the group in detail to come up with the most feasible and effective options.  Brainstorming varies largely according to the way it is approached.  This approach might be on an individual session, on a group or a mixed system where the two are incorporated in sessions. The use of pictures and images in creative thinking might be used in the learning environment to stimulate thinking and generating creative ideas in solving problems. All that is required in brainstorming is the respect of each of the team member’s idea, and an environment where each member feels free to express their ideas, without any interruption or fear.

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