Custom «Service Management» Essay Paper Sample

Service Management

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Serena hotels remain one the best managed businesses in the world. This is a group of hotels situated in various parts of the world. Serena hotels are five-star in nature and are mostly liked by those considered to be with money. They are mostly built on serene environments where less disturbances are experienced. Due to this fact, most of the tourists prefer spending there holidays in these hotels. One of the things that drive people to these hotels is the excellent service offered by the management and the workforce.

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Service management in these hotels has always been improving thus making it one of the most preferred hotel destinations in the world. They have been strategically built in cities and towns to offer the customers varieties to choose from. Their services are also varied. They provide leisure and recreation facilities. This makes SerenaHotels a good destination for those who want to take time off to relax away from the normal daily activities. The locations of these hotels are ideal for the recreation activities, and always guarantee no disturbances during the stay or visit. Conference facilities are also available in Serena hotels. Their facilities are well situated to serve this purpose. Both government officials and the cooperate world have always found Serena hotels good for holding high profile conferences and seminars.

Booking of the hotels can be done either on site or online. This has made work very easy for all the customers. The availability of space can be checked online, something that helps the clients easily make decisions on when to use the facilities. Payment can also be done online, something that brings efficiency on service delivery.

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Service process

There exist various types of process maps that have been designed to explain how products and different services interact and various industries and firms. Generally, service process can however be summarized into design, analysis, development, and market introduction (Krajewski et al., 2009) shown in the figure 1 below. These are processes that a service follows to ensure the effectiveness of a business. Within these processes, there exists a lot of input that are crucial in determining the outcome of the business. Management also plays a crucial role in the process and determines how a business performs.

Service design can be defined as the process of characterizing a new service idea, put forth through specifications and meaningful representations (Clark et al., 2000). The design stage marks the point where a business starts the processes of coming up with new service product in to the market. In this stage, the new idea is explored into detail with an aim of having a clear understanding of what it entails. It is required that by the end of this stage, a process plan or prototype should be established to help in directing subsequent processes. It is worth noting that this stage must first start from an idea that can be generated into a formal design.

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Generation of ideas, in this stage, can be achieved through two approaches; fuzzy and procedural approaches. Fuzzy approach is where an idea comes from creativity, invention due to technological, opportunity or technological advancements (Reid and De Brentani, 2004). Research also shows that ideas that can also come from procedural evaluation of the market place (Elmquist and Segrestin, 2007). This method uses some specific techniques of generating information on the best service to be offered. These techniques may include: quality-function deployment and market research.

There exist differences between product and service design. Designing services, especially in the hotel industry is not as direct as the definite industrial product. It can only take place after an interaction between very many factors. It is determined by how people, processes, and other physical factors interact. In the hotel industry, this plays an important part in coming up with ideas that can lead to the services that are successful. A challenge on how a given service is offered can lead to the generation of an idea on how to provide a more efficient service. This has been a very crucial point on improving services in Serena hotels.

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The second service process is the analysis stage. Any decision made in the design stage should be critically analyzed and reviewed to ascertain the viability. The ability of the service to fit with the industry regulations, customer needs, corporate strategies, and the capabilities is the main determinant of a given service to produce success in a given business (Krajewski et al., 2009). According to the research by Augustine et al. (2009), the only way to ensure that a certain service is able to progress to a viable and marketable solution is by having a screening process that involve iterative feedback from the earlier processes.

An analysis of the exact specifications of the service to be provided is crucial in establishing its sustainability in the system. This stage is a very important one. Any time a new service or product is introduced into any system; there are other departments, persons or even other interested parties who may be affected by this move. An evaluation is therefore important in ensuring that this is addressed amicably. For instance, in SerenaHotels, there are many management levels that may be affected by the implementation of a given service. It may be technological service that replaces manpower leading to the laying off of certain number of employees. Furthermore, a financial analysis will help forecast the sustainability of the service. The goal of any implemented service should lead to the profitability of the business. Some of the services only require internal input (e.g. already existing maintenance personnel). Some also require external input like suppliers and other sellers.

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In the development stage, evaluation continues with the implementation of many pilot projects to ascertain the viability of the service. This is very important in knowing the efficiency that the service can bring to the business. A research by Johnson et al. (2000) defines New Service Development (NSD) as the processes required to bring about a new service that considers the relationships between the service organization, the liaison between the customer and the organization, and the customer. The research done has shown that involving different stakeholders at this stage is a key to producing a great service. For instance, suppliers and customers have always played a big role in the delivery of great services within SerenaHotel management.

The last stage is the market introduction. Before this is done, the norm in Serena has been that the concerned management must ensure that proper training is done. All the involved personnel must have all the information of the market on the new the new service. This is an empowerment to all the involved parties. It should also be put into consideration that the knowledge from the previous design, analysis, and development stages play a big role in ensuring the correct implementation of the service.

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The success of any service depends on how organized the channels of communication are. This is important in determining how to address different issues that may arise.

Serena hotels remain one the best managed businesses in the world. This is a group of hotels situated in various parts of the world. Serena hotels are five-star in nature and are mostly liked by those considered to be with money. They are mostly built on serene environments where less disturbances are experienced. Due to this fact, most of the tourists prefer spending there holidays in these hotels. One of the things that drive people to these hotels is the excellent service offered by the management and the workforce.

Service management in these hotels has always been improving thus making it one of the most preferred hotel destinations in the world. They have been strategically built in cities and towns to offer the customers varieties to choose from. Their services are also varied. They provide leisure and recreation facilities. This makes SerenaHotels a good destination for those who want to take time off to relax away from the normal daily activities. The locations of these hotels are ideal for the recreation activities, and always guarantee no disturbances during the stay or visit. Conference facilities are also available in Serena hotels. Their facilities are well situated to serve this purpose. Both government officials and the cooperate world have always found Serena hotels good for holding high profile conferences and seminars.

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Booking of the hotels can be done either on site or online. This has made work very easy for all the customers. The availability of space can be checked online, something that helps the clients easily make decisions on when to use the facilities. Payment can also be done online, something that brings efficiency on service delivery.

There exist various types of process maps that have been designed to explain how products and different services interact and various industries and firms. Generally, service process can however be summarized into design, analysis, development, and market introduction (Krajewski et al., 2009) shown in the figure 1 below. These are processes that a service follows to ensure the effectiveness of a business. Within these processes, there exists a lot of input that are crucial in determining the outcome of the business. Management also plays a crucial role in the process and determines how a business performs.

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Service design can be defined as the process of characterizing a new service idea, put forth through specifications and meaningful representations (Clark et al., 2000). The design stage marks the point where a business starts the processes of coming up with new service product in to the market. In this stage, the new idea is explored into detail with an aim of having a clear understanding of what it entails. It is required that by the end of this stage, a process plan or prototype should be established to help in directing subsequent processes. It is worth noting that this stage must first start from an idea that can be generated into a formal design.

Generation of ideas, in this stage, can be achieved through two approaches; fuzzy and procedural approaches. Fuzzy approach is where an idea comes from creativity, invention due to technological, opportunity or technological advancements (Reid and De Brentani, 2004). Research also shows that ideas that can also come from procedural evaluation of the market place (Elmquist and Segrestin, 2007). This method uses some specific techniques of generating information on the best service to be offered. These techniques may include: quality-function deployment and market research.











There exist differences between product and service design. Designing services, especially in the hotel industry is not as direct as the definite industrial product. It can only take place after an interaction between very many factors. It is determined by how people, processes, and other physical factors interact. In the hotel industry, this plays an important part in coming up with ideas that can lead to the services that are successful. A challenge on how a given service is offered can lead to the generation of an idea on how to provide a more efficient service. This has been a very crucial point on improving services in Serena hotels.

The second service process is the analysis stage. Any decision made in the design stage should be critically analyzed and reviewed to ascertain the viability. The ability of the service to fit with the industry regulations, customer needs, corporate strategies, and the capabilities is the main determinant of a given service to produce success in a given business (Krajewski et al., 2009). According to the research by Augustine et al. (2009), the only way to ensure that a certain service is able to progress to a viable and marketable solution is by having a screening process that involve iterative feedback from the earlier processes.

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An analysis of the exact specifications of the service to be provided is crucial in establishing its sustainability in the system. This stage is a very important one. Any time a new service or product is introduced into any system; there are other departments, persons or even other interested parties who may be affected by this move. An evaluation is therefore important in ensuring that this is addressed amicably. For instance, in SerenaHotels, there are many management levels that may be affected by the implementation of a given service. It may be technological service that replaces manpower leading to the laying off of certain number of employees. Furthermore, a financial analysis will help forecast the sustainability of the service. The goal of any implemented service should lead to the profitability of the business. Some of the services only require internal input (e.g. already existing maintenance personnel). Some also require external input like suppliers and other sellers.

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