Custom «Yoga as Human Behavior» Essay Paper Sample
First we have to understand the difference between the behavior and habit. Habit is the one which you voluntarily involve in it. Habit can be changed or left in the course of time. Behavior is not like that it is your own day to day activity that won’t be left out or eliminated from you in the matter of days. I consider yoga as my behavior rather than habit. I started it as habit but slowly I developed it as behavior. It means it is one of my every day activity like eating, bathing and going to office.
Yoga having its direct implications in the human behavior. I learned yoga for not only reducing the stress but it also teaches some of the important values in our life. Some of the values that I learned from yoga will be discussed here. Yoga is famous among many people around the world now. Many believe that yoga reduces stress only but also teaches some society values.
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Yoga is related to spiritual in traditional Indian culture. It is one of the elements of Indian culture that instructs only values through the Vedas. Many branches of yoga teach life values. Hatha yoga is one of the categories of yoga has eight branches. Yama provides you the rules to be pursued in the society. It includes the five sub branches that also teach the principles of life. Ahimsa teaches not kill, injure, violent to any of the people or living things in the world.
Satya to be followed in your thought. It must be practiced when you speak the truth and have to be true in your actions. Asetya teaches you not to steal other person things in any cost. Brahmacharya teaches you about the controlled sex in my life. Many of us would felt depressed by having improper sex, but Brahmacharya teaches you the controlled way of sex and thus increases your physical and mental energy. Sex is very essential to the life and makes way for the religious development. Aparigriha is another branch of haths that teaches savings for your requirements is enough for you. It strongly condemns that spoiling your present is not the better idea to save for the tomorrow future.
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Yoga also taught me of following the purity in public life. The purity must be followed as physically, mentally as well as emotionally. Satisfaction in our day to day life in each our each category is something that we are need in this recessions time. Penance is the work we are giving for long time. These values are learned by me not in the one week or month or in couple of months.
These values are comes in to me as I practiced for years. Now these are not my habits but as my behavior. Several people may ask whether this behaviors and principles still needed. I would recommend that this type of values and behaviors have to be preached to lead smooth and healthy life. This also have great impact on human society, if one is attracted by the way of life one person, automatically the other may follow.
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