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The Essence of Bhagavad-Gita

The Bhagavad-Gita is a set of guidelines of accepted truth, which is commonly found among the adherents of Hinduism, although it still has followers among people who are not of this religion. This doctrine is very simple to comprehend in any language. It forms the philosophical basics of yoga. In a nutshell, Bhagavad-Gita is a book of yoga that contains hundreds of verses with moral and spiritual growth for people. These teachings are founded on the principal beliefs of Hindu religion. It involves the most consecrated metaphysical science with the aim of finding answers to basic questions that help to establish personal identity (Bhagavad-Gita Trust 2009). Furthermore, Bhagavad-Gita is concerned with finding the ways of how an individual can live happily and peacefully in the world that is full of relativities. In this article, the focus will be directed towards explanation of the essence of Bhagavad-Gita in elevating a person from a life of misery and turmoil to that of liberty.

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Bhagavad-Gita majorly aims at helping people who are tormenting and bound in the world of darkness and ignorance. Every person wishes to lead a happy life with overwhelming peace. On the contrary, unsatisfying jobs, workload, poor inter-personal relationships within a family and in the society as well as other life problems presents stressful conditions to people. Bhagavad-Gita helps individuals be able to cross over the other side of the shore and attain the level of spiritual freedom while still leading their normal lives (Jeste and Vahia 2008, p. 199). This doctrine advocates for people who are continually searching for areas that offer simplicity and peace. This is what gives the individual an inward focus that achieves peace from our innermost being.

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There are various requirements that are needed for a person to attain a clean and spiritual frame of mind. They include self discipline, which requires the person to cease from anger, lust, greed and other negative qualities that would affect a flawless and spiritual frame of mind (Jeste and Vahia 2008, p.202). This also calls for self denial, atonement, prayers and worship, meditation as well as thorough learning of the scriptures. The process of sanctification entails showing good behaviour, joining the groups of sacred people, self examination as well as recitation of the holy names of God (Jeste and Vahia 2008, p.202). Using the cleansed mental power, people are encouraged to gain mastery of their six senses. People who practice Bhagavad-Gita always acknowledge that everything has been made by the power of nature. They understand that they are just vessels, which are supposed to be used by the Creator.

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Verses in the book build up a poem, which is regarded as the utmost religious traditional of Hinduism. The Gita constitutes a discussion between the greatest guru, Lord Krishna and the Prince Arjuna on the eve of a major war. As a matter of fact, the idea of Bhagavad-Gita came to Humanity following Prince Arjuna’s reluctance to carry out his role as a warrior, since the war involved annihilation and murder. Actually, nonviolence also known as Ahimsa is one of the most basic precepts of Hinduism. In Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna influenced him to confront them in the spiritual wisdom and the way of achieving unification with the Creator. The main dogmas of the Gita include Karma- Yoga, selflessness yoga, which is carried out with the innermost objectivity with the outcome (Jeste and Vahia 2008, p. 199). There is also yoga of knowledge and intolerance amidst the lower personality of man and his soul.

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Practice of Bhagavad-Gita requires people to change their perspectives on their actions and pulling themselves out from the confusions of this life. It is a scenario that makes those who practice the Gita to view themselves, not as actors, but as the channels through which the rules of nature spread out. When one gets deeper into Bhagavad-Gita, he is able to draw near to something more fascinating and insightful.

One of the principal teachings of this religion is that people can achieve freedom from the bondage of their daily lives by carrying out their duties efficiently. It advocates for people always remember the magnificence and prominence of the Creator so they can carry out their obligations effectively. Bhagavad-Gita encourages its adherents to demonstrate loyalty and faithfulness in execution of their duties and thus not give preconditions based on the outcome, even if they may face violence in the course of carrying out the task (Jeste and Vahia 2008, p. 200). Therefore, whatever a person decides to do, it should reflect the glory and approval of the Creator. For instance, Krishna suggests that, “I have no work to do in all the worlds, Arjuna …for the same are mine. I have nothing to obtain because I have all. And yet I work” (Jeste and Vahia 2008, p. 201). From this extract, it can be seen that even the person who seems to have all still works. It implies that work is essential beyond being just a requirement for survival.

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There should be no effort or cost incurred in carrying out a task that an individual is entitled. As a matter of fact, individuals should serve God and humanity with no preconditions attached to their service. They are supposed to view everything in a saintly, flawless and clear mindset. The eleventh verse in the fifth chapter of the book suggests that “Followers of science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness…by the separated senses for purifying the self” (Bhagavad-Gita Trust 2009). In this case, Lord Krishna explains that purification of the body and mind as well as reflection leads to liberation of the individual from material reality.

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When people are initially required to do some duties as a spiritual practice, they still operate from inside the sphere of affection and desires. This is because, even the urge to become free is also considered as a desire (Jeste and Vahia 2008, p.202). Nevertheless, when the method is applied, it results to an intimate and greater comprehension of the reason and the wisdom that lie beneath the entire system. It enables the individuals to view and understand themselves in different and holistic perspective (Bhagavad-Gita Trust 2009). Alongside this kind of comprehension, there is some tremendous transformation that happens in the person’s life. This allows the person to continue living his life in a perfect, efficient and more fulfilling way than ever before. They are able to live lives that are detached from worries of reality, a life that is in a progressively more detached manner (Jeste and Vahia 2008, p.201).

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The lack of knowledge on the metaphysics is understood as an utmost dilemma affecting people. Therefore, since the book is aimed at helping people grow out of their problems, people who practice Bhagavad-Gita believe that those who are being tormented in sulphur furnace issues of life and do not apply this magical power have themselves to blame. Bhagavad-Gita is a source of ultimate knowledge and the sure incarnation of the absolute and the divine (Jeste and Vahia 2008, p. 200). The book was bestowed to all the gurus, whose blessings and instructions are of immeasurable value to all those who read it. This book was provided by the supreme guru, Lord Krishna out of compassion and commitment to humanity and God. The person, who reads, meditates and implements the teachings of Bhagavad-Gita through conviction and devotion, is able to achieve Moksha by the grace of God (Jeste and Vahia 2008, p.200).

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