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A Christmas Carol

Introduction Christmas carols are can be traced back to the ancient times of Jesus Christ. They are songs and hymns sung before Christmas and on its eve. Carols depict several themes describing the birth of Jesus and many other events that ...

Alister McGrath take on Atheism

Atheism can be defined as the belief of the non-existence of God. An atheist is a person who believes that there is no God. The word is a combination of ‘a’ which means ‘no’ and Greek word ‘Theos’ meaning God ...

Bata Drums in Santeria Religion

This paper deals with the study of bata drums in Santeria religion. This topic is particularly interesting due to its complexity and origin: Santeria is a complex combination of Catholic and Afro-Caribbean religions concentrated on Yoruba beliefs; ...

Bench Mark

Islam is an Arabic term, which literally means submission. Therefore, followers of Islam believe that man is supposed to subject to the will of God, which is disclosed to people by his messenger, Prophet Muhammad. It is worth noting that both ...

Catholics, Lutherans and Calvinists

Catholics, Lutherans and Calvinists are all Christian religions in different doctrines and teachings. Catholics established first based on traditional understanding of Christian teaching at the time. It is apparently, the first Christian church ever ...

Christian Living

The mention of the word incarnation to any Christian draws a lot of attention from them. It is a word that has a lot of significance as far as their faith is concerned. The word means the manifestation of a divine being in the flesh. It means ...

Christian Views on Higher Education

This paper involves two major issues that form an integral part of society, namely religion and education. The main aim of the essay is to portray the view that the Christian society has on higher education. It provides the perspective from which ...

Comparative Religions

Many scholars and researchers have attempted to determine the reasons why religion is such a popular aspect of humanity. From whichever side of earth a person is he or she must have something to believe in at some point of their lives. The ...

Confucian Concept

The Confucianism traces back in the history of China and East Asia. Confucianism started during the duration of ancient history of China. This occurred when China had many problems concerning the unity of its citizens, and the existing unrest that ...

Difference between Believers and Non-Believers

According to the Holy Quran, believers are "They who turn (to Allah), who serve (Him), who praise (Him), who fast, who bow down, who prostrate themselves, who enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil, and who keep the limits of Allah; and give ...

Doctrine of Scripture

History provides that determinate number seven sacraments is no Doctrine of Scripture nor of the old authors .The two also do not do the recitation of them. However, it is agreed that this doctrine is based in the scripture and taught by the ancient ...

Earliest Christianity

What are the guiding theological principles for these developments? The middle Ages is the period of European history from the fifth to fifteenth century. It comes after the fall of the Western Roman Empire and before the early modern era.  The ...

Elements of Religious Traditions

One of the common characteristics of religions is the belief in uncanny beings and forces. Since memorial times, spiritual relationships between people and divine beings has always been practiced. It has come to be accepted as a norm in individual ...

End of Life

Death marks the end of the physical life and transforms one into a spirit. According to Lewis (2010), death is inevitable to any human being, thus, every person will die one day. When a person dies, he or she leaves a gap that will not be filled by ...

Euthanasia the Right Way Out

1. Patient’s preferences: There are incidences where people have chosen that they would never wish to be kept while they are under vegetative state and would prefer that mercy killing or euthanasia to be done. It is important that the wishes ...

Evolution of the Early Church

In the first century CE, a Jewish sect started in the Palestine which marked the start of the early Christian church (Lockard, 193, 3). The roman culture was by then integrated into the early Christians’ life. This was based on the teachings ...

Final Exams

1. Mysticism in Judaism, Christianity, and Sufi Islam. Religion is known as the behavior that the human soul takes when in the presence of God. God is an element of the environment and man is known to have remarkably different views about religion. ...


The world is grandeur created by a mastermind who has no equal. The soul, religion and belief or faiths, are the first words that pop into the head when we hear the name God. What makes people believe that God exists? Is religion a matter of truth ...

Gods Existence

Is there evidence that God does exists? Whether God exists or not is a metaphysical question. The possibility of proving whether God exists has fascinated a number of believers and thinkers over a long period of time. This paper will critically ...

Health Care Providers and Faith Diversity

The purpose of this paper is to explore various perspectives of spiritual healing based on different faiths, and their influence on health care provision. It discusses critical healing components of prayer meditation, and beliefs. It also explains ...


The religion of Hinduism has been dominated by the Indian phenomenon though it is found allover the world due to immigration. The religion has its uniqueness as there is no known founder and no particular time by which this religion can be presumed ...

Is Religion Important?

Religion is crucial in the 21st century. It is a universal lay down of conformist rules that are able to define the boundaries that exist between malevolence and good deeds a strong point for it to be in the current century. Religion is able to ...

Islam and Hinduism

The religion practiced in the far-east is Hinduism, and that of the middle-east is Islam. As is with every other religion, moral code of the society is defined by what the religions refers to as good or evil. Sometimes, the line between good and ...

Islam Religion

The situation regarding the relationship between Islam and women in Islamic countries has been an important issue of debate especially among researchers in the fields of gender and feminist sociology. In particular, this issue has become acute 20 ...

Islamic Empires

Islam is believed to have been started in the 7th century by Prophet Muhammad. Specifically meaning submission to the will of God, it gained prominence with the acceptance of Muhammad as the messenger of God and the Quran as divine message. The main ...


After Jesus' death, Joseph of Arimathea went to the Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus so that he would bury him. The main reason for this was because He was a friend of Jesus, even though he had not been among the twelve disciples. Also, He was ...

Jesus Teachings

This excerpt is part of a sermon delivered by Jesus to his disciples on a mount side near Capernaum. Jesus was teaching his disciples on the finer principles of Christian faith that they need to observe to ensure that they are compliant with the ...

Judaism, Christianity and Islam

1. Since all religions have a form of mysticism, compare mysticism in Judaism, Christianity, and Sufi Islam The above three have been referred to as the Abrahamic religions.  Religion has remained mystified to the many believers and in respect ...

Orthodox and Heterodox Schools

The Vedic are considered as entirely Sruti texts and can be rear directly. In addition, they have memory. The Smrti texts put emphasis on the written teachings as they are viewed to be sacred. However, they are not that important. The main ...

Paul's Epistles

There are three fundamental themes that become manifested from the epistles of Paul. Apostle Paul wrote these books at a time when Christianity was considered new and the church was growing but there were different doctrines emerging. Churches in ...

Planning Your Funeral

Epitaph, obituary, funeral ceremony Headstones are used as a tribute and to memorialize the persons whose grave they are used to mark. Design The headstone should be made of granite and in the shape of a guitar. This is to symbolize my love and ...

Principle of Nonviolence

Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent. Martin Luther King, Jr. Every third ...

Religion and Artistic Expression

It is very evidence that different religions have different form of artistic expression based on their religious beliefs. The most commonly known religions are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. In our discussion I have largely ...

Religion in "Things Fall Apart"

The dominant theme of Things Fall Apart centers on the conflict involving customary Igbo culture and the traditions and beliefs of the settlers. Chinua wrote the work of fiction in English but integrated into the text a rhythm that suggested logic ...

Religion of Empire and Religion of Creation

Introduction During the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther king Jr, several rallies were held in WashingtonDC. The two major ones are, one held in the national mall by the American conservatives Glen beck and Sarah Palin, with the main aim of ...

Religious Holidays in Turkish Culture

Turkey although in Europe is a predominantly Muslim country unlike other European countries, 99% of the population of Turkey are Muslims other religious groups are minorities (Abazov, 3). The country has two calendars; the official calendar is the ...

Religious Issues in Christianity, Islam and Judaism

Comparison of forms of mysticism in Judaism, Christianity, and Sufi Islam Christianity, Judaism and Sufi Islam form the Abraham religions which are characterized with mystic experiences and religious practices involving dramatic visions, divine ...

Religious Literature

Religious literature is a very unique type of art. Religious literature has existed from time in memorial and has had a major influence in world history. A good example of the relevance of religious literature is the major effect of Christianity ...

Religious Society

‘’Religious society is only human society stretched to the stars.’’ This assertion, originating from Emile Durkheim’s sociological writings on religion, seems to echo that religion is something social and a product of ...

Religious vs Secular World View

Introduction In real life situations, people attribute the happenings in their lives to a supreme being. However, there are others who do not believe in the powers of a supreme being, they attribute happenings to fate or chance. The earlier is the ...


Sin can be described as an infringement of religious or moral law. It is mostly referred to as a deliberate action that is regarded as extremely erroneous. According to religious point of view, sin can be described as an act that makes an individual ...

Sufism and Community

Sufism is an Islamic movement that has its followers seeking and searching for divine truth through a direct encounter with their Creator, God. It arose in 8th to 9th centuries as a recognized ancient movement in the Islamic society. The movement ...

Supernatural Powers and Revelations

Supernatural powers are abilities beyond abilities one holds to be natural. These abilities cannot be explained by natural laws of the universe. A supernatural revelation is a communication linking a human being with a deity or a supernatural being. ...


In the bible recordings, the name and the figure Thamar or Tamar is first seen in the book of Genesis 38: 1-30 (Hamilton 432). Judah, the son of Jacob, departed from his brothers and met an adullamite named Hirah. While he was there, he saw a ...

Teachings of Siddharta Gautama

Buddhism is a religion that is founded on the teachings of Siddharta Gautama. Buddhism is mainly practiced in Nepal, India, where Gotama Siddharta was born. He lived in affluence and discovered that wealth and luxury did not mean human happiness. As ...

The Church on Social Issues

The church speaks out on social issues as it understands that we are all brothers and sister united to a given call by God. The church has also been called to work for those who are oppressed and persecuted. The church also understands that in order ...

The Culture of Nepal

The culture of Nepal is based in India. It is a culture that was started by Lord Shiva. They share common values and beliefs which they follow steadily. The families practicing this culture love and support each other unconditionally. This culture ...

The Essence of Bhagavad-Gita

The Bhagavad-Gita is a set of guidelines of accepted truth, which is commonly found among the adherents of Hinduism, although it still has followers among people who are not of this religion. This doctrine is very simple to comprehend in any ...

The Forefathers of Israel

In the Tanack bible we are exposed to a series of blessings and curses this is as we look at the influence that the fore fathers of Israel had over their off springs. We note that God does not condone sin and in this case therefore he punishes it ...

The Great Schism

The great schism is widely believed to be a great rift that separated the church into two, Eastern Orthodox and Western Roman Catholic, during the period of the great Roman Empire. Nonetheless, the term cannot be conclusively examined without ...

The Hinduism

Introduction Hinduism Vedic period dates back to the pre historic times of the Hindus. Vedic period was well known for the kind of worship and the establishment of Hindu religious beliefs. It was the time when the Hindu religious epics were put into ...

The Islam

Islam is a religion mainly founded on monotheism as expressed in the Quran, a book which is seen as the exact word of God by believers and by the teachings of Muhammad who is known to be the Prophet of Islam. Muslims believe in the existence of one ...

The Jewish Culture

The Jewish culture encompasses a conglomeration of both the global individuals and secular societies that identify with the Jewish culture. The international community of Jews has historically been known as a people who really value their religion ...

The Role of Religion

A fundamental theme religion in ancient Egypt was the need to continually maintain order over chaos. This balance is referred to as maat which is the belief in the world's numinous nature as well as the hope of eternal life in the afterlife. These ...

The Volatility behind Its Concepts

In this assignment, the discussion would involve a deeper understanding of the whole concept of religion as an institution in the society. A simple and clear definition of the term religion would be part of the assignment. Moving on, the assignment ...

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

C.S. Lewis’ The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is the third book of The Chronicles of Narnia.  Together with other books of The Chronicles it represents a sample of classic children’s literature. The author uses an uncomplicated ...


Theodicy coined from Greek words looks at the issue of God and justice. It looks at the issues of a good God in a considerably evil world so filled with injustice. Theodicy questions the issue of where God is when good people suffer and why he ...

Ugandan and American Christians

The Ugandan Bill under analysis in this article is the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill that was introduced in 2009. The Bill outlaws homosexuality in Uganda and it carries a life sentence or is punishable by death, though this depends on the nature ...

What is Character

Nicholas Thomas Wright is one of the leading scholars in the New Testament and was a Bishop in an England church. He has published several academic works through which his conservative Christian views have been depicted. This paper is going to focus ...

When Harry Met Sally

When Harry Met Sally (1989) is a typical, traditional, romantic comedy that was aired in 1989. It intensely observes relationships between males and females such as sex and friendship. For Harry Burns and Sally Albright their relationship is not ...

World Religions

Personal Assessment: The principle of Ahimsa or non-violence has taught me that everything and anything can be resolved through peaceful actions and negotiation. Unit 6 1.b. Siddhartha Gautama was born from a rich family and his parents were both ...

World’s Religion

Unit 21 1. b. Muhammadanism is an inappropriate terminology for the religion because of the fact that it connotes and denotes the submission to Muhammad rather than Allah. The term does not refer to faith and all the adherents that are attached to ... Testimonials

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