Custom «The Nordstrom Company» Essay Paper Sample

The Nordstrom Company

This is a documentation of the famous shoe store, Nordstrom Company. The presentation and the broadcasting of the Nordstrom Company are by the business week weekend edition news anchors. The broadcasting of this company is by the reporter Kevin smith. The reporter focuses on the ways and means in which the Nordstrom applies to be capable of serving the customers without fail. The report also shows the fruits of the implementation of the ways of serving of customers by the Nordstrom Company.

The company was started with a capital of only 13,000 US Dollars by Mr. John Nordstrom as the founder. The Nordstrom Company is a shoe store company in the town of Seattle. The Nordstrom Company is now marking its 100 years of serving its clients. The company was started by the founder Mr. John Nordstrom. The company deals in the vending of the old and the latest fashions of shoes. The company of Nordstrom is a family business that was started by the founder Nordstrom in 1901. The company deals with the vending of men’s ware like the shoes and suits. At this era, the company is diversifying its products to selling of women and children’s wares. This company has branches in other town in Texas. For instance the company has with time open other outlets in other towns like Dallas in Texas states.

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The video is about the destination CEO Nordstrom Company. This is because this company is among the well performing companies within the country. The company deals with the selling of fashion merchandises which are very unique. This includes the shoes, the handbags, clothes, and also jewelries. The retailer company achieves the vending of a large number of products by creating a close relationship and bonding with the customers and offering them with what they like most.

This company emerged to the public in 1971. It is under the ownership of the founder’s grandson, Mr. Blake. The company’s management has been revolving around the family of the founder. After his retirement, the company was under the new management of his three sons. The sons were capable of managing the company through working in turns as the presidents of the company. The third son of the founder, Mr. Bruce is the father of the CEO Mr. Blake. The current CEO at his tender age while still in high school was frequently working for his farther and by doing this he was able to learn a lot about the management of the company. Later on when he was 39 years old, he was the CEO of the company of Nordstrom rack stores. Mr. Blake Nordstrom is still the current CEO of this company. He has been running this company since he was young.

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The video talks about the ways and means of empowering the employees of the company. It tackles various strategies that the company of Nordstrom puts into practice to maintain their existing workforce and to improve in their performances. For instance the company is offering the best services to the customers by creating a close relationship with them. This will thus guarantee the clients loyal customers who will buy their products.

This Nordstrom Company is currently the largest retailer stores in the States of Texas. The CEO has the aim of maintaining the old tradition of the company and furthermore he has the aim of improving the relationship between the employees and the employers. This is shown in the way the company is still selling the old together with the latest types of shoes to their clients. This is because during the time and era of his grandfather, the company was vending on this types of shoes products to the customers. The current CEO Mr. Blake was able to start working in this company when his father was still the president of the company. During this period, Mr. Blake was still in high school.

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The chief reason for the success of this company is because of the founder’s main goal to his clients. He always put the customers’ first, then the employees second, and finally the shareholders third during the fulfillment of his company’s objectives. The reason being that if one treats the customers well and also the employees then one will have a large number of customers and the business will expand. In return the shareholders will also be happy about the outcome of the business. This was his main philosophy during the period when he was running the company.

Furthermore, the author Robert Spector in the book of ‘The Nordstrom Way to Customer Service Excellence’ says that the employees of the Nordstrom Company always go to a further extend to please their clients. They do this by serving them well and offering good customer care services to their clients. The company also sells goods of high quality and an affordable price. This is seen when the clients on interview say that the company offers a variety of products to the clients thus fulfilling the tastes of almost all types of clients.

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Another way in which the company of Nordstrom is capable of serving the customers well is by allowing the client to make their own decisions on the types of products they want to buy. This is one of the cultures of the Nordstrom Company of attracting and retaining its customers. Furthermore, the company puts the customers first by creating a close relation with the employees and the clients. They achieve this by allowing this relationship to be ongoing and lasting. This idea is seen when the CEO Mr. Blake gave an example of how his grandfather was personally welcoming the customers into the store while creating a friendly environment between him and the customers. This act made the customers to be more free with him and ready to say what kind of products they want to buy without fear.

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The company further achievement is shown when the company was capable of opening a new branch store in the town of Dallas. This opening was a unique opportunity for the company’s market expansion. The ceremony was open by the president and also the CEO of the Nordstrom Company, Mr. Blake Nordstrom. The CEO further explains to the clients of Dallas during the opening ceremony about the unique culture that his grandfather was using to retain and also attract more clients. For instance the grandfather of Mr. Blake did this by attending to the clients’ one on one. He was once able to serve a client by introducing himself and then asking the client what type of product he wants to buy. This action shows the kind of relationship that was exists between the employees, the employers, and the customers. The grandfather was always there in presence ready to listen to the incoming clients’ needs and subsequently serving them.

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This company was able to keep on running until in 1971 when it went on public. This is the period when the next generation took control of the company. In the mid 90s the company was unfortunate in the performance sector thus experience some loss. This incidence made the company to end up losing a lot of their clients. This was because of the appointment of the new president who was not from the family. This incidence made the company to launch a disaster campaign by the name ‘Reinvent Yourself.’ The chief aim of the campaign was to attract more clients into their company. The campaign further was aiming at attracting the customers by advertising the company’s existing trendy merchandises for the clients. This campaign was to try and reach out to the existing customers who were reducing in number because of the drastic changes of the management of the company.

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The CEO of the Nordstrom Company is further in charge of the famous company of Nordstrom Rack. This company is also a store business company where he was the president of the company by the age of 39. This was because he has the skills and knowledge on how to run the family company from his previous experience. He was running this new company together with his two brothers. The idea of running and managing the business together shows how the family was ready and willing to work as a team. This is because team work in a business organization always leads to the achievement of the set goals of the company. This finally made the company regain its previous good performance in the business market.

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Another means in which the company is utilizing to attract more customers is the use of the current advanced technology. The company serves the clients well by having the computerized form of operating systems. This system is for serving the clients, thus showing the advancement of the company in technology. This act further shows the ways in which the company is using to attract and retain its novel and also the old clients. This act also shows the way the company puts first the idea of serving and attending to the clients as its major goal

The company has the computerized inventory control system that is for serving the customers effectively. This has made the company to attract more clients and further retain their existing customers. This idea has made the company be highly competitive in the market industry in the country. The company is ready to embrace new technological ideas for the benefit of the customers, the employees, and also the employers, together with the share holders of the company.











According to the company’s retail analyst of the McAdam Wright Ragan, Mr. Dan Gelman, the company has put in the extra efforts of attracting and serving the clients well by putting up of the computerized technology system, by being free with the clients, and also by trading on the latest designs of shoes and clothes. The analyst says that the Nordstrom Company will forever be keen in the implementation of any form of new ideas that are benefit to both the clients and the company’s performance.

In conclusion, the Nordstrom Company is continuously on the rise. This is because though it was started a long time ago, the company is still embracing the new ideas and techniques to retain and expand its horizon in the market. The company has found out that the chief idea in the good performance of any company is to please the customers first. The clients ought to be the first priority then the employees and finally the shareholders will see the fruits. Therefore from the performance of the company above, the main secret to the effective performance of any business is the satisfaction of the clients’ needs.

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