Custom «Gangs of America by Ted Nace» Essay Paper Sample

Gangs of America by Ted Nace

The book “Gangs of America” was authored by Ted Nace and it features topics in Business, Economics, and Corporate and business history. The book was published on October 5th of 2005 in San Francisco, California. The publishing company behind its publication is Berret-Koehler.

“Gangs in America” is a book that contains several stories regarding the success of corporations currently. The author felt compelled to find answers to some questions after selling his computer book publishing business. The author raises several observations in his book, and they depict questions such as what is the origin of corporations? What is a criterion behind their influential power? What the total trajectory of corporations comprises of? Thus, to answer these questions, he utilizes a variety of questions that are centered on revealing the origin of the power difference between corporations and people.

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In the book, “Gangs of America” Nace utilizes different stories to provide background information regarding the rise of corporations’ power. He does this through observing the legal parameters behind the formation of corporations from earlier times. According to Nace (2005), corporations came into been in Great Britain’s medieval period. The author notes in his book how the power of corporations was limited during the time of the early republic through restrictive charters. However, Ted also notes that this was short-lived because of the 1886 ruling by the Supreme Court, which considered corporations as legal entities just like people. Consequently, corporations were bestowed constitutional rights and protection under the law. The book also progresses by providing information regarding the role played by Stephen Field in ensuring corporations gain power. It is reported from the book that he buttressed financial titans and politicians, which improved the corporation’s legal supremacy. Another main point addressed by the author regards the translation of the Santa Clara ruling. He notes that it is not explicit as everybody deems because it does not take a stand regarding the constitutional rights of corporations. The last chapters of the book are more focused with addressing the issue relating to how the corporations continue to posses their power and how they are trying to eliminate the government close involvement in their businesses.

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In my opinion, the book lures a reader to try to find out what its contents are. The author lures a reader through the topic he opted for the book. The book urges a person to establish what gangs the author is referring to, only to find out that corporations also feature as gangs. This shows the prowess of the author because he uses the term “Gangs” to refer to corporations and goes ahead to provide reasons why they can be considered so through the way they joined forces to ensure the acquisition of their legal rights, and how they have strived to ensure that they do not lose that power. The author also succeeds in bringing out the history of corporations. The author links the origin of corporations with Great Britain, and this happened during the medieval period. Particularly significant is the books focus on the history of corporations, and some members who played a critical role in ensuring their current state. Stephen Field features as one of the people who contributed to corporations’ success. In addition, the book relates to the course as it discusses the power depicted by corporations, and the projected future trajectory of corporations. Notably, the mentioning of the various people that are behind the success of corporations also relates to the course, as it educates more regarding corporations. Lastly, the books efforts to try to interconnect people’s rights and corporations rights qualify its relation to the course.

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