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Virginia Commonwealth University Review

The Virginia commonwealth university is a university that is located in Richmond, Virginia. The institutional review board of this university is charged with making sure that all protocol that involves people. It is supposed to ensure that this research comply with federal state and local standards. This is because special care is required with research that includes human subjects. When a quorum of members is present, the board can be called into action.

Composition and functioning of the Virginia Commonwealth University Institutional Review Board

For the quorum requirements, there must be one scientific and non-scientific member at all meetings where research is being deliberated, at least one physician where research involving drugs, biologics or devices is being considered. Also, one member of the IRB who is not affiliated with the institution in question, and, is not part of the immediate family of a person affiliated with the institution. Its reporting responsibilities are to report any unusual experiments on human beings that do not satisfy the standards mentioned at the beginning of the essay. For approval of a project there must be research i.e. admissible data on the subject matter. There must be a human subject data through the interaction with the said subject and identifiable personal information of the subject. There must be VCU research activity that has a human subject and is funded by the university. There also needs to be a non VCU institution that is located in the United States or is within the United States territory. This can be a clinic, a hospital or another university.

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It is also crucial that there be engagement in research. When all this conditions are satisfied then a proposal can be handed in for approval. The Virginia Commonwealth University Institutional Review Board is supposed to ensure that this research comply with federal state and local standards. This is because special care is required with research that includes human subjects. When a quorum of members is present, the board can be called into action.

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