Custom «Terrorism and WMD» Essay Paper Sample

Terrorism and WMD

Reports have shown that more terrorist organizations in the world have expressed much interest in acquiring weapons of mass destruction (WMD). They have developed crude methods for producing chemical and biological weapons which they use to create more military and civilian casualties and to capitalize on the psychological impacts of these actions (Mr. Moilanen, J., 2009).

The biological weapons used by the terrorist groups include synthetically produced toxins and pathogens that are biotechnologically altered. These weapons can incapacitate or kill people and animals and even destroy plants and food supplies. The groups use the radiological material which is widely used in medical, industrial and research to produce dangerous bombs that are designed to disperse radioactive materials.

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This exposes large world populations to intense radiations for very short time periods and makes the United States government to spend much in preparation for disaster response and recovery issues associated with these radiological attacks. The disaster response and recovery issues include the medical treatment of the affected people, the evacuation and relocation of people and return of physical properties to normal functional state (Blix H., 2006).

In addition, terrorists try to acquire technical expertise required in the production of nuclear devices through avenues such as international nuclear weapons technology proliferation networks. This makes the US government to spend much in investigating and tracking these illegal activities (Mr. Moilaen J., 2009).

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Through various means, the involved powers continue to develop weapons of mass destruction, alongside elaborate means of delivering such weapons over long distances hence enabling the terrorists to access them with easy. Therefore, they pose threats to the United States and other countries in the world (Blix H., 2006).

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