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The internet has offered new opportunities for business to reach the local market as well as access international front. However, the success of a firm rest on it strategy and input into the international front. To succeed in running an international internet retails stores; the following information will be useful.
What resources does an International Internet retailer need other than merely a storefront on the Internet?
For a business enterprise to be successful in the international arena, more resources are required in place other than a storefront on the internet. It is essential for the internet retailers to have agents who will represent them. The use of agents in international markets allows the company to be felt by customers who may have enquiries that cannot be answered on the firm's Website. The agents will provide a physical presence as well as personnel who can work with customers. The retailer can also have a partner who can provide more resource and knowhow about a given markets. Venture also allows the company to penetrate much more easily.
Does it require fewer physical, financial, and human resources than a traditional retailer, or just as many? Explain.
Whereas international internets require resources in international market, they do not need to exceed those of traditional retailer. Internet retailers need to have fewer resources given that their business is online. The use of a few resources will be critical in containing cost which may make business expensive to run. The reason for having less resource is centered on cutting costs and still able to deliver service (Zentes, Morschett & Schramm-Klein, 2007). The few resources can be compensated by having agents and joint venture in the international market that can provide any additional resource if required.
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Use the Library search engines and resources to research one of the following companies (Yahoo, Google, EBay, AOL, or other internet companies you may be aware of). Explain why it is so successful despite the failures of other dot.com organizations.
EBay is one of the online businesses that have experienced significant achievements. These achievements have exposed the fact that firms can still be productive in their online internet business. EBay is well known for its commitment toward it customers which makes the clients feel that the firm has their interest at heart. EBay is well known for carrying out various market researches which allows it to find out why customers need and what section of its business require improvement (Holden, 2006). Customers have praised EBay for giving them exceptional customer care services. These factors have seen EBay grow into a household name.
Despite the difficulties many technology companies experienced when the dot-com bubble burst, Internet commerce (e-business) is here to stay. Nevertheless, a firm can succeed if it can generate proven strategies like those used by EBay.
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