Custom «Dominos Pizza » Essay Paper Sample

Dominos Pizza


Domino's pizza is a company that engages in making and delivering pizzas.  On average, the company indicates it delivers over a million pizzas daily. This represents 19 percent of the U.S. pizza deliveries. The company operates company-owned and franchise stores totaling 634 in number, spread across 50 states in the United States and 55 countries globally. The company classifies its operations into international, domestic supply chin and domestic stores. This excerpt will look at the various marketing strategies Domino's Pizza can adopt for its hand tossed pizza.

Market segmentation

The business of selling Pizza is sizeable particularly in the United States. However, it is teaming with major players such as Pizza Hut. To sell its Pizza's to customers, Domino's should focus on the home delivery market segment. Although home delivery is not a new thing, focusing on home delivery alone allows the company to have a narrow focus giving it a competitive edge over other Pizza parlors which try to do it all: Takeout pizza, in-store pizza, delivery pizza and other food choices.  The company's operations should be designed to accommodate the home-delivery niche. Selecting a market segment that is not featured by competitors allows the company to dominate that segment using limited resources. Dual career households are becoming more common across the globe, while time is becoming an even rarer commodity in the modern society. This is what is driving the trends towards home delivery of fresh, quality meals at a price that is affordable (Dalgic 2006). This is exactly what Domino's offers having developed mobile phone and internet ordering systems that makes their pizza more accessible to the busy "always-on-the-go" 18-35 year old market. The company also has an iPhone application that was a big hit raking in 2 million dollars in sales in its first 12 weeks (Domino's Pizza 2011).

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Positioning statement for pizza by Domino's

The hand tossed pizza is positioned as transformed, new and improved pizza that is tastier, healthier and fresher. This is because the customer's indicated that pizzas from the franchise parlor were bland and Domino's listens to its customers.  Domino's still maintains it 30 minutes delivery policy for all its pizza deliveries that guarantees quality hot pizzas (Domino's 2011; Walker 2003).

Customer relationship management

Great CRM begins with delivering on the promises made to customers. The best customer service does not make up for products that do not deliver on their promise.  Domino's pizza promises to deliver pizzas within 30 minutes that is guaranteed to be hot and fresh. In the case of Domino's, CRM involves the use of technology to automate, organize and synchronize the business processes to ensure that the customer gets their pizza in roughly 30 minutes.  The website ordering tool is particularly important to Domino's as it not only allows the customers to make instant customized orders to the nearest Domino's franchise but also has a countdown timer that shows how long ago one ordered the pizza, the time it was put in the oven and the time it was given to the driver to deliver to the client. In addition, Domino's is continuously developing innovative products to ensure it meets the rising expectation of the customer as the competition becomes stiffer and the customer become more informed. Such innovations include: the iPhone and website application which allows customers to create an account and order at any time without having to repeat their geographical location time and time again and special packaging that maintains the quality of pizza for longer.

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The company can adapt the use of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to amplify its voice and that of its customers in the marketplace and as such have a more profound and far-reaching effect on the pizza buying trends in its target market.  This is because social media channels are increasingly becoming a source of information for many people especially those between 18 years and 35 years. Such web based CRM solutions combined with customer service tools, offer services to customers from the company's sales and services specialists. It also provides the customers with a one-stop shopping convenience. They also help the company to acquire new market shares through contact management, fulfillment and selling. The databases and software utilized in CRM also enable the business to identify and rewards loyal customers as well as further develop its relationship marketing and targeted marketing initiatives.

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