Custom «Use of System Analysis Methodology» Essay Paper Sample

Use of System Analysis Methodology


System analysis is defined as the study of sets of interacting entities which include the computer systems analysis. This field is closely associated to operations search or even the requirements analysis and it is often refers to as an explicit formal inquiry that is conducted to help decision makers to identify better course of actions thus enhancing making of better decisions than those that would have otherwise been made. The term synthesis involve the procedure of combing separate elements or components to form coherent whole system where as the term analysis is often defied as procedure by which an intellectual or substantial whole is broken down into parts. Researchers dealing with systems analysis apply methodology to the analysis of the systems that are involved to form an overall picture which can be used in various fields where the work of developing something (Justis & Kreigsmann, 1979).

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System developer accesses a lot of options of methodologies when it comes to its decisions making process therefore finding the right methods and tools is not an easy task. Therefore in order for a system developer to be successful in making the right choice of methods to be use planning is very critical in gathering the required information. The information that is significant to the process includes the methodology plans, tools as well as the risks that are likely to affect the final result of the system analysis.


Tangible and intangible

An information system may provide many benefits to an organization and such benefits can either be tangible or intangible. Tangible benefits are the advantages that are measurable in monetary terms that accrue to the organization basically through the use of the information system. Some of the examples of tangible benefits include the following: increase in the speed of processing and activity, increased flexibility, error reduction, cost reduction and avoidance access to information on timely basis a finally improved management planning and control.

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Intangible benefits are the items that can not measured easily in terms of monetary value or those with certainty. Intangible benefits may have some direct benefits to the organization which may include improvement of the employee moral or even have broad societal implications like reduction of creation of wastes or resource consumption. Other intangible benefits derived from systems analysis are : competitive necessity, more timely information, increased organizational flexibility, improved organization planning, organizational learning and understanding is promoted, availability of a better, new and more information, abilities to investigate more alternatives, faster processes of deciding making, efficient processing of information, asset utilization is improved, improved resource control, accuracy in clerical operation is improved, improved work processes improve employee morale, and finally the method lead to positive impact of the society (Jones, et al,1988).

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Feasibility of the technology

In using the system methodology technical feasibility is very critical as based on considerations the current technical resource scan be upgraded added to in order to fulfill the request being considered. Add on to existing systems are often expensive and not worthwhile hence system analyses are able to use experience and contact with vendors to determine the issue of technical feasibility regarding capability of meeting the request of the user or not.

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Financial feasibility

During this stage the researchers judge the financial feasibility of the organization by considering the total estimated cost of the project proposed, the financing of the project in terms of capital structure, promoter's share of total costs and the debt equity ration. In addition to that analysis is conducted regarding the existing investment by the promoter in other business and finally the projected cash flow and profitability.

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During the time of upgrading there must be a continuation of the compatibility with company's recent associates as well as business partners as it's a very risk to implement s system that doesn't communicate the company's standards which influence its present and future relations. During the designing, implementation and testing of the new style culture should be considered especially in terms of education and maintenance of information security.

Procedures for handoff

Before the handoff of the plan to the implementation team the a state of testing procedures should be developed and such include review an devaluation of the procedures fro program testing, review and documentation of the testing procedures, data testing and output result and finally review of the adequacy of the testing that were performed on the manual phase of tan application.

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Monitoring and Schedule for post-implementation audit.

Post implementation review or audit is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the system developments a definite periods after it ahs been operational normally conducted after six months but it can be conducted one month six, months or even one year after which the system has been operational. Such audit must not be conducted too long because users tend to forget the details of the developmental effort or even forget the impression of the IT team members. Objectives of the audits is to determine if the system does what it was deigned to properly or not, whether it supports the users in effective and most efficient way as expected. The audit also assesses the success of systems functionality, performance, cots and benefits and finally on the effectiveness of the life cycle development activities that the system was produced from. Therefore post implementation audit serve to strengthening of the system as well as the system even, oriental procedures.

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