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Political, Emotional and Educational Ramifications

Currently, several people argue in regards to the significance of studying and excellence in education. Education is not preparation for life but rather life itself. It opens doors to various opportunities to both the teachers and students as well. With the fluctuating economy and uncertain times, it is more vital for everyone to receive the proper training and education so as to acquire good job. This essay therefore explores on the general setting in regards to standards, testing, and accountability; political, emotional, and educational ramification in particular to contemporary issues.

To begin with, focus and institutional policy under the No Child Left Behind Act [NCLB] (U.S. Department of Education 2001) has prioritized the individualistic, market-driven agenda. The NCLB regime has gained hegemony over the political space of public education, and the value and efficiency of the educational process has become subject to the fetishism of standardized test scores. Utilizing the political economy of the sign described by Goertz, Duffy, & Le Floch, (2001), the political economy of the NCLB regime and the development of test score fetishism is one of the most significant components in the edification process and must therefore be put into consideration.

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Secondly, the mission of the Accountability Services Division is promoting the educational triumph of all public school students and to assist stakeholders in understanding and weighing this success against state and national standards. The foremost thrust of this mission is three-fold: the design and development of steadfast and valid assessment instruments, the uniform execution of and access to suitable assessment instruments for all students; and the provision of accurate and statistically proper reports in regards to the education of the child (Goertz, et al. 2001).

Finally, it is important to note that there are several issues that have manifested themselves in the political arena in relation to most schools and the education being provided. These issues range from who controls and makes the decisions for our schools, to educational reform to teacher certifications, to the trend of free choice of school and funding and how are students are fairing in the modern age of school reform in accordance to the NCLB. The society has changed significantly in the last few decades. Nowadays, the divorce rate has gone high and many school going children are brought up in single parent families. Generally, growing up in broken homes can unfavorably impinge on the emotional health of a student and this is likely to lower his/her performance at school (Goertz, et al. 2001).

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In conclusion, Globalization and hi-tech encroachments have both managed to alter the education system, economy and thus the entire work place. Politics, in theory and practice, also impinge on education: its organization, policies, funding, operations, and outcomes. Such issues range from who controls and makes the decisions for our schools, to educational reform to teacher certifications, to the trend of free choice of school and funding and how are students are carry on with their erudition process according to NCLB (Goertz, et al. 2001).

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