Custom Exploratory essay samples

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Accelerated Global Climate Change

The Problem: Climate change is a permanent change of climate from the previous climatic conditions due to human interference on the atmosphere. Climate change as defined by Crispin Tickell (1977) is any long term change in the average weather of ...

Aging and Death

Introduction: Aging in America is associated with a group of meanings involving emotional, environmental and physical losses, including declining social status and ruin of self image as the American cultural ideal of 'youthful' can no longer be met. ...

Aging Problems in Europe

Aging is becoming a major problem in many developed countries around the world. Basically the problem comes about due to good medical services and such amenities result in the population which is healthy and these results in a long life expectancy. ...

Agricultural Biotechnology and the Poor

Can agricultural biotechnology help the poor? Abstract This paper explores whether there is indeed a benefit of agricultural biotechnology to the poor. It will first explore the definition of agricultural biotechnology. It will then talk about its ...


Introduction Alcohol is a social drink used by many people in the globally. It has existed in the world for a long time since time immemorial. Alcohol consumption is as enjoyable as the consumption of any other drink as long as it is used in the ...

Alcohol Abuse Among College Students

Alcohol is a substance that affects mind to loose its control. The Activities of the brain are not under the control. It is surely affecting the body’s nervous system. Alcohol belongs to the group of drugs called the narcotics that affects the ...

American Culture

American culture sources of inspiration have been the European ideals especially from the British and the domestic originality which traditions , ideals , customs , values , arts and innovations have been enhanced both domestically and ...

American Family

Abstract The American family structure may be considered traditional. This is due to the fact that the nuclear family structure is composed of the father, mother and the children. On a larger scale, the family encompasses the entire extended family ...

An Ideal Leader

Introduction A leader is an individual who has been given managerial responsibilities of over other people on certain grounds and activities. He or she may be chosen or appointed to represent other people in articulating their views or problems to ...

Analysis of Meursault's Character

Within the scope of this research, we will analyze the character of Meursault as portrayed by Camus in his work “The Stranger”. As one becomes acquainted with Meursault, it becomes apparent that he is straightforward non conformist that ...

African American culture in Brazil

During the 20th century, many countries in Latin America had to go through wars or internal conflicts that shaped their current standing. Whether those conflicts were of external or internal nature, they provided powerful impulse for numerous Latin ...

Rivers, Streams, Ditches and Ponds

This paper critically analyzes and review an article by Penny Williams, Mericia Whitfield, Jeremy Biggs, Simon Bray, Gill Fox, Pascale Nicolet, and David Sear, “Comparative biodiversity of rivers, streams, ditches and ponds in an agricultural ...

Attracting Elements of Gangs Membership

Introduction Gangs have existed in American for decades with very strong presence in improvised neighborhoods of major cities. However, there is abidance in the fact that the activities these gangs are not confined to their localities. They can be ...

B&W and Colored Photography

Introduction Photography refers to an act of creating still images through the process of recording radiation on the medium or the material that is radiation sensitive such as electronic-image sensors, or the photographic films. The person who does ...

Beliefs on Human Sexuality

This is a discussion on how today's belief on human sexuality can be traced to earlier era influences. The discussion will be based on three separate beliefs with concrete examples on each. It is evident that human sexuality is a field that is faced ...

Benefits of Youth Sports

A sport is a competitive, organized, entertaining, and dexterous physical movement requiring dedication, fair play, and strategy, and in which a winner can be distinct by objective means. It is controlled by a set of customs or rules. In sports the ...

Biomass and Hydrogen

Within the scope of this research, we will assess one of the ‘green’ initiatives that is being proposed, and, in some countries, already implemented – using biomass and hydrogen to replace the traditional fossil fuel. As of now, ...

Black Elk Speaks and Skin Walkers

Black Elk was a holy man among the Lakota people John G, pp 13. He had had several visions that were significant to the lives of the Lakota people. These visions include the great vision and the dog vision. Black Elk had his first vision at the ...

Butler Obituary

One of the most embarrassing experiences linked with growing old for several older people is not being able to being drive a car. This often causes loss of dignity and self identity. Director of the NIA's Division of Behavioral and Social Research, ...

Capitalization in French and English

Capitalization refers to writing the first letter in a word as an upper-case letter, while the remaining in lower-case letters, in writing systems with case distinction. The concept of capitalization differs in most languages. This can lead us to ...

Case Study

1. In order to evaluate the success of its IT systems, the health care industry would be likely to use supply chain management and customer relationship management as the sort of effectiveness metrics. This is due to the fact that it is aiming at ...

Central Beheer Architecture Analysis

            This paper analyzes the well-known piece of modern architecture, Central Baheer Office Building by Hermann Hertzberger by depicting the main elements of the building, style, and its ...

Changes in Perception and Use of Photographs

Introduction Photography represents one of the most fast evolving domains, which is manifested in terms of the application of its individual elements. Part of the reason for this fast spread is attributed to the pursuit of photography as an art and ...

Changing Landscape of Unions

Introduction Over the past centuries, constant change has characterized trade and labour unions. These changes range from union membership to terms and conditions for membership. Trade or labour unions are responsible for ensuring that workers work ...

Child Abuse: An Emotional Approach

Child abuse is the physical, psychological or emotional mistreatment of a child or persons below 18 years by their parents, foster parents, and groups of people or anybody else whether consciously or unconsciously, (Briere, 1992). Indicators of ...

Children Development

The development of a child is one of the things that have continuously stirred the minds of great scholars. Not one or two researches have been made on this topic. The study of a child's developmental stages have been scrutinized and analyzed in so ...

Circumcision and Marriage in Traditional Society

Unlike the current generation, people in the past were much observant especially in handling issues that could have possible compromised their traditions and cultural beliefs. The traditions obviously varied from one society to the other due to the ...


Clarity on various claims concerning issues, beliefs or allegation on the existence of certain creatures is not conclusive. The fact that the final decision on diverse issues has not been made discussions from different perspectives is high. In ...

Class or Mass

Stuck with excess inventory, Neptune Gourmet Seafood is toying with the idea of launching a second, inexpensive product line. But if Neptune stoops to conquer, rivals might retaliate with price cuts, and the new line might end up cannibalizing the ...

Concept of Intelligence Success

Success is the process of having programs that are well managed from the standpoint of operations, which has no compromise, without tradecraft of errors, with or without the policy goals being achieved. It has been viewed as an outcome successful ...

Continental Margins

The earth materials are composed of the soil, rocks, water and the gases found in the atmosphere. The materials also possess different chemical properties. These properties make them very useful in a variety of ways. These are the resources that ...

Counterterrorism: Terrorist Target

War on the American soil has been declared once more. Out enemies are threatening to strike our country once again. This morning we have just received intelligence on a possible threat of terrorism in one of our cities. The information we got was ...

Cultural Diversity

Among the many cultures in the United States is the Asian American culture (Shearer, 2008). This culture constitutes those people living within the United States but whose ancestral regions being Southeast Asia, Indian subcontinent, and the Far ...

Curse of Resource Wealth

The earth materials are composed of the soil, rocks, water and the gases found in the atmosphere. The materials also possess different chemical properties. These properties make them very useful in a variety of ways. These are the resources that ...

Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama is a world figure who has been fighting for the right of his indigenous people in Tibet. This has resulted in him rubbing shoulders with the Chinese authorities in the wrong way and as he travels across the globe he enlightens people ...

Decision on Uncertainity

Introduction. Probability theory according to Bayes’ theorem it shows the relation between one conditional probability and its inverse. Simple mathematical formula is used for calculating conditional probabilities. A formulated hypothesis ...

Department Store

Introduction The nineteenth century department stores emerged from cities of New York, Paris and Philadelphia when the evolution of visual display reached zenith during the emergence of industrial arena. In these early department stores the ...

Design of an Orion Space Transportation System

Vision for Space Exploration (VSE) embodies a watershed chance to enlarge the depth and breadth for human exploration and development for today’s and future generations. The launch of space stations has brought negative impacts within the ...


Free will is the supposed ability of people to make choices freely from any kind of constraints.Will is usually paired with reason as one of two complementary activities of the human mind. The human will is considered the faculty of making choices ...

Documentary Cultures Essay

The history of film has developed consistently since the 19th century. As a result of these developments, film had grown from a mere carnival novelty to a tool of communication and entertainment. Over the recent years however, film production has ...

Domestic Violence

Familial cruelty is the maltreatment of someone with whom the victim is having or at some time back had a close, loving or spousal connection. Every year probably around 2 million to 4 million women living in the Untied States are physically abused ...


Disability as the name suggests is the lack of ability of some kind (Shaywitz 2003). The lack of ability could be mental, physical, development, mental, sensory or a combination of some or all of them. Disability is a complex phenomenon which ...

Effects of Media on Teenagers

This is an article on how marketing moguls through the media have affected how most teenagers are behaving now days. It is evident that most marketers are spending most of their time looking for target groups. In America, the merchants are simply ...

Efficiency of Hybrids

The question of the efficiency of hybrids has been an issue for both media headlines and general discussion boards including interviews. The subject of concern has actually been whether the hybrids are more efficient as compared to those that are ...

Elements of Sound

Sound is defined as a mechanical wave that result from oscillation of pressure and is transmitted though solid, liquid or gas and it's constituted of frequencies of levels that are strong enough to be heard or to be detected by the organs used ...

Emergent Trends

Introduction There have been emergent trends that have been recorded over the past few years in the information technology sector. These emergent trends have contributed a lot to the betterment of services that the information technology offers to ...

Emotions and Culture

In order to cover this unit, a variety of materials shall be required including different groups of people, including men, women and children, different cultural beliefs and practices, psychologists with a high and good ability of determining degree ...

Engineering and Design

Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is a decision making process in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to ...

Evidential Version to the Problem of Evil

The problem of evil has been a controversial for a long time. Various people have come up with their own stories regarding the problem of evil, and bringing different arguments regarding this issue to lime light. The people, who have a concern about ...

Exploring Language

The book, Exploring Language [written] by Gary Goshgarian was published in 2009 by Longman Publishing Company, having 592 pages. Various themes appear in the book, including censorship and free speech; the interaction between language and mass media ...

Fatigue Related Mishaps

It is a well proven fact that tired people do not perform as well as well-rested people. In extreme cases, the fatigued person may be in a micro sleep, or in fact, full sleep, which will often lead to unduly slow responses and hence performance ...

Feminism and Masculinities’

Both men and women are experiencing various pressures the moment they are born, the society has different norms and values that they expect these people to follow. As these people grow up they under go the adolescence stage where they are forced to ...

Final Exam

Part 1: Summary of the readingThe researchers were interested in the testing the phenomenon of variability in levels of intelligence among different individuals in different developmental stages. They tested their hypothesis in the light of the ...

Fire Rainbows

A sharp profusion of vivid colors gradually shifting from blue to reddish yellow that literally lit the skies aflame - that is how I would describe the magnificent picture that was first recognized worldwide after the widespread Spokane display in ...

First Impression

First impression is an immediate judgment that a person usually develops. It is human nature to make judgment of an individual or a scenario at a single glance. This is because the brain receives the first-impression pictures, creating an amalgam of ...

Flat Worms

Flatworms are exactly what they are called; they are a flat worm, very thin and look like a small leaf. They are an unsegmented flat worm with a head and a tail end. Platyhelminthes is the name known for flat worms in scientific literature. ...

Futures and Innovation Case Study

With the span of increasing technology, globalization and increasing competition, businessmen always find it important to create and produce different products and services each day to meet the needs of the consumers. Meaning to say, consumers can ...

Generating Electricity Using Magnets

The input power for the generator is always greater than the output power of the generator as most of the energy is lost as heat to the outside environment due to friction and resistance in the conducting wire. Using magnets to generate electricity ...

George McGovern

McGovern starts with tremendous admiration for the new changes promised by the young and energetic president. The so called well-meant suggestions he makes are, to me, the innermost thoughts of any intelligent and experienced American of the present ...

HIV / AIDS Discrimination

Introduction Medical health care law provides for many aspects that cover for a person's health condition and well being. Citizens' health care is secured through the medical care law. However, there have been some loopholes that need to be looked ...

How to lie with statistics

Smoking is mainly associated with low performance in colleges. This is a common dogma among students who believe that by avoiding smoking there is likelihood of improving performance. Smoking is said to make the mind dull. Statistical materials can ...

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

Although a zombie apocalypse may seem rather fantastic, it does not mean that it can never happen. The more advanced technologies are becoming, the easier it is to believe in appearance of horrible creatures. A zombie apocalypse is one of the most ...

Human Behavior

Human behavior can be defined as the ability to express physical, mental and social activity (human behavior, 2010). World wide, human beings have portrayed different behavioral patterns in reaction to their surrounding. Every day these behavioral ...

Hunter Valley Wineries in Australia

I am writing to tell about my trip to Australia, and, in particular, to give you more information about Hunter Valley Wineries, in which you were so much interested. While there, local wine producers have told me a lot about spread of wine culture ...


Throughout the history of the United States of America, immigrants have influenced every aspect of the American society. It is worth noting that even the formation of the United States was carried out by immigrants from Europe many years ago. During ...

Impacts of E-mail Services on People’s Life

Since time immemorial, communication has been one of the most significant factors in our lives. Effective, easy and fast communication is the wish and desire of everybody across the world. Due to an increased need and desire of easy and fast ...

India Ethnic Cleavages and Democracies

India is currently the biggest democracy in the world where the population is more than one billion. The Hinduism is the biggest religion in the India with Islam, Christianity and Buddhism to follow. Over the time India has played every effective ...

Interdisciplinary Test

Art, music, and literature in ancient India, Greek, Hebrew, and Roman culture portray the relationship of the human to the divine or supernatural and as such, this will make the core purpose of the rest of this paper. So to speak, it is imperative ...

Issue of Gender and the Media

Background of the Study It is much factual that media in one way or the other shapes peoples conception of the real meaning of either male or female. People do encounter a variety of different female and male role models in the course of every day's ...

Japanese Book Selling Industry

The external analysis of a firm focuses on those factors that the management of a firm cannot have control over. The factors are environment related and a firm can only use these factors as opportunities if at all they contribute to profitability of ...

Labor Unions

With an increase in the demand for entertainment in late 1920s and early 1930s, studios were pressured to act more and make more presentations in theaters and movies. With great returns from these entertainments through acting, many acting studios ...

Larry Bird and Magic Johnson Rivalry

The Larry bird versus magic Johnson rivalry is probably one of famous sports entertainment phenomenon of this century (McBride 4). The unusual, unique and personal talent and style of these two players is certainly worthy of their remembrance and ...

Making Deals

The game's concept is that there is money placed randomly behind one of the three doors. The host has already opened one door which is empty. Now the choice is between the door that has been chosen and the other. Say the chosen door is Door number ...

Manufacturing of Chocolate

Introduction When manufacturing things, there must be a process followed. For a process to be successful, there must be the provision of raw materials and a consideration of certain inputs and outputs.This paper explores the manufacturing of ...

Media Globalisation

Introduction Basically, global culture has adopted a path opened by economic globalization. Needless to say, it has evoked external products for consumption and as such it is often thought out as to threaten both local and national cultures. In this ...

Meiji Masculinity

I. INTRODUCTION Masculinity and feminism are well known and highly documented areas of studies in the society. As masculinity and feminism studies developed, so was the development of concept of multiple ideologies on gender. That is, there was the ...

Modern Family: Broken or Reconstructed

A family refers to a group of people living together and they are related by blood and /or mutual understanding. People living together as a family share common values that include tradition and culture. Examples of types of families are nuclear ...

Modern Jewish and African-American Life

As much as behavioral scientists maintain on the dynamic and minority groups, are influenced broadly by assimilations aversions, there one fact that remain that have insisted that acculturation must and should never be led by assimilation. The two ...

Modern Tribal Governments

The Sioux people are among the many Native American tribes. The term Sioux, according to Gibbon, may represent any of the various ethnic groups within the large nation of Sioux, or even any of the Sioux's many language dialects. The Sioux comprises ...

Nuclear Proliferation

Prevention of nuclear proliferation All are talking about to whom the nuclear weapons would be secure or to whom would not be. But the most important thing all states should do to try for a nuclear weapon-free world. According to Michael McGwire, ...

Natural Oil Seepage

The text is aimed at a better understanding of the issue of oil seepage and its effect on the environment. Natural oil is one of the most important natural resource and all the countries are fighting for the control of this commodity. Growth of any ...

Naturalistic Inquiry in an E- Learning Research

This essay explores the naturalistic inquiry in an E-learning research to investigate the use of World Wide Web in higher education. Naturalistic inquiry is part of qualitative research where research conducted in the natural environment ...

New England Cuisine

The New England is easily recognized for its rocky coastline found around the region of Maine, the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the rolling green mountains and dairies of Vermont, and the fertile farms and orchards of Connecticut. The ...

Occupational Safety and Healthy Administration

OSHA (Occupational Safety And Healthy Administration) is a company in the United States that was developed by the ministry of labor to improve the standards of the workers in their different working places. OSHA was created to encourage employees to ...

Online Gaming Communities

A game is an activity that is carried out within certain rules with the aim of solving a challenge, mostly for enjoyment. Video games are electronic games involving interaction between players and user interfaces to generate visual feed backs on ...

Online Options for Sellers

Introduction With the inception of communication technology, many firms seek to utilize online facilities to sell their products to their customers. Generally, there are many selling techniques used on online selling; E-bay is one of the world ...

Oprah Winfrey

Our case study is Oprah Winfrey. Oprah is one of best known Hollywood stars that has enjoyed along time of stardom. Having been born in 1954, Oprah comes from a very humble back ground. Her success is fancied by many as she overcame all odds; ...

Organizational Structures

There are several organization structures that have been employed by multinational corporations in order to succeed. The structures employed vary but share basic characteristics. Most the modern structures exhibit influences of Weber's views on the ...

Our Beliefs

Introduction Human life encompasses several factors that influence how people live. People do not live in emptiness. This makes them have a reference from which they shape up their ways of living. Just like money, faith, knowledge, truth and other ...

PAC -10

Pacific-10 conference, known as Pac-10 is a unique conference by itself. It is basically a college athletic conference. Its main operating area is United States. Participating arena of the conference members is the NCAA’s first Division. A ...

Partition of India

Introduction Pakistan and India were a united state according to research and history. Following the implementation of partition they split into two countries. India attained its independence from British back in the year nineteen forty seven. ...

Patriarchy of Power and Survival

Patriarchy is simply father being the head of the family. Moreover, after the death father or in case with a single parent and in this case the mother, the son is regarded the head. According to leadership also the same thing is reflected. After the ...

Plaggemeyer vs. Lee

This is a recent case where a wounded individual sued an insignificant motor-vehicle operator who caused the accident and succeeding injury. Motor-vehicle drivers and bicyclists are subject to exactly the similar No-fault analysis. It is stated in ...


Introduction Plagiarism is a term that has been widely used to deliberately or the reckless use of another person's wording, or original ideas in one's own literary or artistic work without properly acknowledging especially in connection to the ...

Plant Groups

Plants are classified into 2 main categories. They are either non vascular or vascular. Almost eighty percent of all plants are vascular. Vascular plants are also referred to as higher plants or tracheophytes, and have tissues which are lignified in ...

Political, Emotional and Educational Ramifications

Currently, several people argue in regards to the significance of studying and excellence in education. Education is not preparation for life but rather life itself. It opens doors to various opportunities to both the teachers and students as well. ...

Product Development

When you are thinking about the house of the future and the new features that it might include, a number of things come to mind. It is imperative to note that the basic necessity of humans which is comfort and warmth in a home will remain of ...

Professional Position

Introduction There are certain major components of the debate surrounding the place in public education for schools. These issues are pertinent because they influence general performance in schools. The components of the debate elicit the talk ...

Racism and Oppression in United States

Introduction Racism and oppression in United States of America have persisted for along time. Those who are not white have been experiencing some kind of ethnic discrimination even though their loved ones have lived and died in United States of ...

Radioactive Waste

At one point in time, it was considered that disposing high-level radioactive waste in the deep-ocean trenches at subduction zones would be a good place. But, according to recent renowned research studies, it is not a good idea at all. Subduction ...

Representation of Islam in Australian Media

Introduction The topic about the Islam religion has been a controversial issue in the Australian media. The Australian media, for a long time, has received blame for painting the Islam religion with a negative outlook. The media in Australia have ...


Introduction Different foods exist in different counties as their staple food. Sometimes, these kinds of food influence the cultural factors, social issues, biological issues, and psychological issues among many other issues. In food production, ...

Role of Sports in Popular Culture

Consuming and participating in sports should be done responsibly to strengthen involvement and participation. This can be done through a number of ways; first, this can be done by having high expectations from the players and the fans showing ...

Roles and Challenges for Sports Practitioners

A practitioner is someone who specializes in a specific art or profession as a career or a hobby. Therefore, a sports practitioner is someone who is involved in sports as a career. Sport practioners consist of sport coaches, personal trainers, ...

Sea Lions Energetics

Introduction Sea lions are creatures living in the sea as well as land. They are known for their high powered motions on both the land as well as the under water. This research paper is seeking to explore the characteristics and behavior of sea ...

Selection Procedure for a Specific Job Position

Introduction and Purpose of the Paper The topic of this term paper is developing a selection procedure in order to find the most proper employee for the specific job position. The selection can be successful only if the job requirements match to the ...

Shampoo Marketing

These products are considered to be having the low share in the low growth market. These products do not contribute anything to your companies share. In the case of shampoo, you can clearly say that the products like shampoos without having any use ...


Oil transportation world wide, for a long time, has been a business that has been done with a lot of care and concern. This is because the product being transported is very important to every nation, and also each every individual in the world. ...

Sleep Deprivation and Truck Drivers

Introduction Truck drivers often do their work for long hours during the day and at night. In most cases, they lack proper rest and sleep.  They drive trucks for long distance. They work against the scheduled time to deliver goods to ...

Social Structure of the Tlingit People

The Tlingit people live in the southeastern coast of Alaska and the Alexander Archipelago. They have their Tlingit language has rare and complex grammar and sounds that are not in any language. The culture of the Tlingit is based on the family and ...

Society, Science and Technology

Society and you Groups of people are normally related through relations of roles, social status or networks. People will share the same geographic territory, political territories, and culture and practices. In this regard, the people will be a ...

Spacecraft Hazards

Space travel and exploration has largely been advantageous to mankind. This is especially in the setting up of satellites which have eased communication around the world. However, there are hazards as well. Accidents can happen as the Columbia space ...

Spanish Explorers

The administrators and missionaries of Spanish monarchy were responsible for colonial expansion. The motivations to these expansions were trade, spread of Christian faith, power, prestige and wealth of gold, silver and spices. Since the arrival of ...

Sports and Society

It is very true that the revolution of sporting activities occurred in Britain within the second half of 19th century. The increasing participation and involvement in sporting was indubitably due to urbanization, industrialisation improved ...

Star Maps

At 9 pm of all the nights and in any season of the year I noticed, the two stars at the end of Dipper's bowl point towards Polaris, the North Star. All the stars in the sky, the Sun included, circle the celestial poles, and for my lifetime Polaris ...

Stars in Alabama

STARS, is the best thing that can happen and has happened to students in the state of Alabama. It saves students quite a lot of time since transferring from one college institution offering a two year program to one offering a four year program is ...

Success in College

The college life is an important step in the learning not only as a student but also as an individual. The life experiences in the college provide a strong base for the future to face the problems in a better way. The same happened to me as well as ...

Take an Object-Oriented Approach to Analysis

This paper explores the types of jobs in the information systems field and the demand for each job, prediction for the nature of IS jobs in the future and the skills that will be required; how important programming skills will be for the future ...

Teaching Diversity

The legitimacy and viability of diversity in teaching and learning for income diverse students are far from being commonly accepted among educators. Even those who are receptive to them often do not have the depth of understanding and competence ...

Technological Development

Technological development is factor which contributes a lot in the progress of any country. It is a process of research and development of technology. Scientists are working for the development of more advance technologies which will help them in a ...

Technology Application and Practice

UNDERSTANDING ETHICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES The author defines Ethics as “the principles of right and wrong that individuals, use to make choices to guide their behaviors”. The growth in concern of this subject has been influenced by ...

Tennyson vs. Owen

The attitudes of poets towards war are expressed in their poetry, each poet either condemning or condoning war, and justifying their attitudes in whatever way possible. In this essay, I explore the change in the portrayal of war before and during ...

Tension Between the Individual and the State

A healthy society has three obligations. Firstly, it should protect, as well as, promote the welfare of all its members. Secondly, it should let its members enjoy a wide range of freedom, which should be as extensive as possible. Thirdly, it should ...

Terrorism and Money

Introduction That terrorism and money laundering and all other forms of illicit businesses go hand in hand is a well known fact. Basically, money laundering refers to the practice of engaging in financial activities and transactions by concealing ...

The Brain is Sacred

This chapter explores the brain is sacred by defining it as an investigational process institution that is not accepted in the institution systems and is not experimental thus encouraging guess work which is the same as the definite knowledge, it is ...

The Burj Al Arab Hotel

The Burj Al Arab is a luxury hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is considered as the second tallest building in the world with a measurement of 321 meters or 1,050 feet. It is also the tallest structure in terms of a hotel. The Burj Al Arab is ...

The Convergence of College Campuses

Convergence is the aspect in which diverse religious, social and political worlds come to uniformity when subjected to similar conditions and environment. Students from various parts of the world are brought in close proximity by college campuses ...

A Dolls House

A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen, is a play that was in writing before its time. In this play Ibsen undertakes women's privileges as an issue of importance. Throughout this time span it was neglected. A Doll's House was in writing throughout the ...

The Home Cured Tobacco

The gap between the rich and the poor, the high and mighty has always been big especially in the developing countries. The rich seems to be growing wealthier as the poor continue to perish in poverty. A couple of explanations have been given towards ...

The Jewish Fraternity

This is an article on Jewish community in the United States. The article will explore on why Jews were discriminated against. The presence of Jews in the United States has been there since colonial era. In 19th century, United States experienced a ...

The Maori Culture

Background statement The Maori culture is fascinating. Scholars have tried to find out more information about this culture, particularly their food, religion and language. Definition of terms Maori people are natives of New Zealand. They are ...

The New Material will Revolutionize Earth Fill Dam Dimensions

The dams constructed in the twentieth and the ninetieth centaury failed to meet their main purpose of storing water as they leaked despite the many engineering and technological efforts. The leakage was as a result of the failure of these dams to ...

The Pity of War

The disabled is a poem which brings on the surface the aftermath of a decision which was taken by a teenager who volunteered to go for war. The pain that he undergoes both physically and in his mind is well elaborated by Wilfred Owen. This essay ...

The Popular American Culture

In the older days the civilization and interaction was limited to communities in a similar geographical area but with the emergence of the internet things have since changed. Today its more than just one single local interacting and has changed to a ...

The Potlatch Ceremonies

Potlatch is a traditional Indian ceremony that was performed traditionally by the Indian communities. The ceremony was characterized by elaborate song and dance as well as wealth redistribution and sharing of belonging. There were also several forms ...

The Supreme Court of Canada

Within the scope of this research, we will analyze the effectiveness of the Supreme Court of Canada. When it is compared with other Supreme Courts (for instance that of the United States), it is apparent that it is not and effective way to make ...

The Topic of Human Sexuality

I agree with this statement. Every day, every minute, in every point of the globe people fall in love. But how many of such relationships become selfless love? There is a difference between loving someone and being in love with one. Being in love ...

The US-Mexico Border Debate

The United States and Mexico have always had a problem concerning the security along the border lines of these two countries. The issue of illegal immigrants, terrorist threats and the trafficking of drugs and armies across these borders is what ...

Thomas Elsaesser

The University of Amsterdam is a very famous university; it is all the more famous because it has the services of a veteran in Thomas Elsaesser. His research project called “Cinema Europe” was a grand success; his extensive research paid ...

Threats Are Never Real

Post Cold War era determined various changes at the political and economical face of the world where countries were changing their allies and increasing their strengths to better cope up with the situations of security. The author of the book ...

The Effects of Bill Gates on Todays Society

United states program In addition to those, another new program is also under process. So, it would not be wrong to say that, Gates is the most successful figure in the charitable activities in today’s world. Business communication Personal ...

Totem Food

Introduction According to Jones (2005), totem foods are the types of food that are perceived very important from many perspectives because they can have a variety of uses. For example, in America milk is a totem food since it is used in various ...

Understanding Terrorism Motivation

Terrorism is differentially defined among the various government, state agencies and other security organizations dealing with counterterrorism issues. However, the principle concepts of terrorisms reflected in all these definitions involves ...

Understanding Work Teams

In recent years the emphasis has shifted from the individual improvement to cooperative activities among the work teams and groups. Globalization of works, downsizing of the manpower and growth of technological efficiency have all contributed to ...

US Education in International Perspective

The history of American K-12 education has been marked by cycles of change, of “reforming again and again and again,” as Larry Cuban described the patterns in K-12 education (12). Something of the same pattern can be detected in ...

USA Essay

1. Discuss the trait that enabled Henry Ford to become the greatest industrialist of the early twentieth century. Henry ford was an American industrialist who was credited by many people with his investment in automobile industry. He was the founder ...


Globalization has enabled people to move from one part to another world wide in search for greener pastures. This has made our societies to have diversity in terms of culture. Consequently cultural related conflicts have become common in our ...

Wariness of Heights

What is the question the authors were trying to answer? The authors were trying to answer the levels of wariness in infants with locomotion and prelocomotion status. By defining the infant and its correlation with the topic, an infant with ...

Water Today

Water is the most essential element of human body as well as human life-leading (Scott and  Fong, 2003, p. 16). For survival there are very few sectors in a human life where water is not required, and at the time of fulfilling water requirement ...

Wealth and Inequality

This essay seeks to explore wealth the concept of wealth at its distribution in both the modern and ancient period. The essay will also evaluate inequality and in this case unequal distribution of resources and its causes by attempting to address ...

Weber and Freud on Linking Loneliness

In Max Weber’s terms, the social conditions which promoted the growth of rational capitalism are typically associated with the emergence of modern science. Protestantism, capitalism and rational science are assumed to require an open space, ...

Weber Understanding of Capitalism

It is the study of relation between the ethics of the ascetic Protestantism with the modern capitalism emergence spirit. Max Weber goes ahead to argue that certain religious ideas from groups such as Calvinists which played big roles in the creation ...

What Family Really Means

Introduction In every culture in the world, a family is very important. Different cultures have different views of the term family and what it means in detail. However, the concept of family in cultures all over the world relate in one way or ...

Globalization and Power in the State System

     Globalization is one of the most powerful tools of development that the society today is using to further engage in international relation that both fuels their capability of affecting the world and gaining personal ...

No People without Plants

Plants play an important role in the lives of all human being. They are the ones that release oxygen for humans to breathe. Without them, it cannot be denied that the humans will die because of lack of oxygen in the body. However, just like humans, ...

Wind Energy in the Contemporary World

 What is does and how it works The kinetic energy of the atmosphere is an enormous potential source of mechanical and electrical energy. Human use extends back to around 2800 B.C. when the Egyptians made use of wind energy in sailing ships. The ...

Women as Leaders in Corporate Level

The advancement of women advancement into leadership positions has gone through a significant evolution leading to present gender transition. It is common for many people to query: "Can women be leaders?" In today's generation, we have women who ...


Workplaces are probably one of the most diversified communities in the world. It is in fact being considered to be the second home of every working individual in the world as they spent at least 8 hours or so by working. With the increasing need for ...

Writers Choice

The issue of freedom has featured in different discussions and studies, both in the past and presently. In line with this, researchers as well as scholars have focused their energies on defining freedom from different perspectives and how it can be ...

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