Custom «Shampoo Marketing» Essay Paper Sample

Shampoo Marketing

These products are considered to be having the low share in the low growth market. These products do not contribute anything to your companies share. In the case of shampoo, you can clearly say that the products like shampoos without having any use in it will not considered by the consumers. So do not waste your investment in these products.

Products like conditioners will be having the high share in the market. But the growth of the market is very slow. They will give some returns to your market but there is no profit in it. It is better to keep these products in your company with much investment.

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These are the product that absorb more investment and gives you little investment. Consider in the case of shampoos that is having only beauty appeal in it. Consumers won’t like shampoos that are not having healthy content in it.

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This is the region you need to have more focus than the other regions. Here the shampoos having health quote only will survive in the market. Your share will be increasing in these markets at the same time of high income. Invest more in these markets and build your reputation.

Apart from these aspects, the marketing mix of these products can be changed from one phase of the lifecycle to the other. Depending upon the market share and investment in the market, those products can be given high priority, because consumers may prefer the beauty shampoos rather than healthy shampoos. In this time you need to change some of the marketing strategies in promoting the product.

Building a brand that is having good quality and pulling a star that have so much popularity surely push your products growth in the market. Powerful marketing strategy is the key for a product manufactured by the company. Individual who are manufacturing the same product with better quality is not having much fame because of the bad marketing strategy.

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The pricing of the product is very crucial when the product is having a good flow in the market. Reducing a price little bit will increase your growth in the product’s market share. Investing more in the high market share and high growth product will yield good results to your company.

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