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A community score card is a process through which the community can participate in monitoring and assessing the quality of public services offered to them such as schools, public transport, health facilities, and water and sewerage services among many others, Raef et al. (2007). A community score card is used to notify the community about the services that are available for them, what they entail and how they are supposed to ask for their use and the quality of services that will be offered. Community score card is a process that makes it possible for a community to have an open dialogue with the public service providers in a particular community. Through this direct dialogue with the public service providers, the community can give their opinions and demand for better services from the service providers.
I would include two dimensions in my health score card. One of these dimensions is measurements. The measurements of the score card need to show balance between generic types of measurement and unique measurements of an organization. Another dimension is detail versus summary of the score card. The score card does not need to be so detailed or summarized but it has to contain the main points. The other dimension I would include is about turning information found in the score care into action because these two things need to show a relationship.
There are specific measures that I would include in a health score card. One of these measures is the intention measures which will show the potential and future actions. I would also include influential measures which show qualitative measures that give a direction on the understanding of the information in the score card. Experiential measures will also be included and these will show how my health centre has been operating. Lastly, behavioral measures will be included and they will indicate the health centers feelings on perceptions and experiences, Raef et al. (2007).
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It will bad for an organization to employ physicians who will refer patients to hospitals for inpatients and out patients as this will lead to loss. If I was the CEO in such a company, I devised mechanisms to ensure that all physicians employed in that hospital work to the expectations of the management.
If I was to solicit funds to start a new health centre, I would start by writing a project proposal. In this project proposal I would include the aim of the project and the budget for that project. After the project approval, I will distribute some copies of the project proposal to potential donors for contribution.
The role of a community health centre is to provide health services to the people. Its min role is to improve the health of the people in the community, Raef et al. (2007). A community health improves the health of the people by delivering health services such as counseling, physiotherapy and podiatry. In addition, it also promotes healthy living among the people through health education. The health centre also maintains well-being and good health to the people in the society.
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