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Health care reforms are under constant review in the United States of America. The new health care reform act is believed to improve the health care of the people of America. It explores emerging issues in health in the perspective of worldwide and local challenges. A policy has been put forward for employers to change the way of handling employees' health in the work place. After implementation of the act, children of the employees qualify to be covered with the bill. The companies must also allow individuals to be covered with their parents until they are 26 years of age.
Formulation stage
Health care in America should be affordable to all individuals living within the country. This policy falls squarely within the mandate of Health Care Reform Acts. All individuals should afford a medical health care for themselves and all those who depend on them. Most African Americans are poor and cannot afford quality health care. After the Arizona shootings, it was more than obvious that the affected individuals were straining to pay health care bills. This called for a cheaper and an affordable health care system in the USA. The government before the introduction of the Affordable Acts took care of the health care bills.
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Planning is essential in health programs because they are inescapable. Continuous change in the nature of work and employment practices has contributed to poor health in employees. The challenges of keeping an employee strong and healthy are tantamount to efficient productivity. It is, therefore, essential for employers to plan how they can best protect their employees' health. It is through outstanding leadership and planning that assures the resolution of health issues. The New Health Reform Act explores managerial roles in workers' health care in the perspective of worldwide and local challenges. A policy has been put forward for employers to deal with their employees' health in and out of the work place.
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The new policy health promotion includes proper administration of well-being in the work place. The changing terms of employment and the implication on employee health in the present climate of globalization and scientific changes are examined thoroughly. Instances of workplace pressures may affect the employee psychologically. Increase in the mental health issues, in the United States, is because of the rise in the work stress. The new health reform act reviews the necessary changes and highlights the role of employers and methods of management directed to the well-being of the employees. Every employer must provide medical cover to his or her employees (Chun, 2008). This policy would affect both the corporate and single business establishments.
Legislative Stage
The people who would not have subscribed to insurance are subject to fine. The individuals, however, who refuse to pay the penalty subjected to them, will face the criminal penalties. Proper tax codes are to be established to make certain that no criminal escapes without paying the bills.
The new policy health promotion includes sound administration of well-being in the work place. The rise in the workplace pressures may affect the employee psychologically. The new health reform act reviews the changing highlights the role of employers and methods of management that are directed to the well-being of the employer. Every employer should provide medical cover to his or her employees (Fishman, 2010).
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After the implementation of the act, children are allowed to be covered with the bill. The companies must also allow individuals to be included in their parent's cover to the 26 years of age. Health plans are not allowed to give the abortion coverage. The federal funds will never be used to cover for abortion. Only the private sectors can provide abortion cover. By the year 2014, every American should have subscribed for health insurance. The ones who would not have subscribed will be fined (Jose, 2010).
Children with arthritis will find no major problems in subscribing to insurance. The adults with arthritis will also get much assistance from their parents, as they are now eligible until the age of 26. Before the adoption of this law, it was very difficult to recognize young adults as parents. Coverage was to go until the age of 21. The rules and regulations are set to govern the new health insurance policy. All people are bound to ensure a smooth run of the policy (Jackson, 2011).
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Implementation Stage
The policy will be implemented in stages. By the year 2014, the implementation process will be more than 50% done. The health insurance policy will be simple. A larger number of Americans who are currently uninsured would get insurance. The people who do not have permanent jobs and the ones who are self-employed will be allowed to be given health insurance. Poor individuals will be insured by charging a small amount.
The individuals who are paid a small salary and were unable to be insured by the employees can be insured by paying small amounts in down payments. They will, not be eligible to Medicare or Medicaid and hence they will not be covered with the employer. Employers are an agent of change to their employees, and they should provide a better health care for them. They are advised to adopt a robust system, which will ensure that their employees remain healthy in the workplace. This will ensure that quality work is done in the company and hence its growth. This can be made possible by providing health insurance to all employees. The new health care reform act provides the strategies and principles to be adopted to improve health of the employees. The employer should have the health priorities, which may include ensuring that the environment in which the employees are working is safe. A healthy environment will promote proper health, albeit at a lower the cost (Fishman, 2002).
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There would be higher tax for individuals who make over $250,000 per annum. This will bring approximately 3.8 percent of the total tax of the investment income. The dental care will not be counted on the exercise. For Medicare, individuals who are already prescribed before the end of 2010 will have a 50 % discount. The new health care reform act expects the Medicaid to include individuals without children. The immigrants who are no legal in America are not allowed to subscribe for Medicaid. In the future, the federal government is supposed to cover for the new subscribers (Jackson, 2011).
After the implementation of the act, children are allowed to be covered with the bill. The companies must also allow individuals to be covered with their parents until they are 26 years of age. Health plans are not allowed to give the abortion coverage. The federal funds will never be used to cover for abortion. Only the private sectors can provide abortion cover. By the year 2014, all American should have subscribed for health insurance. The ones who would not have subscribed will be fined.
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Children with arthritis will find no many problems in subscribing to insurance. The adults with arthritis will also get much assistance from their parents, as they are now eligible until the age of 26. Before the adoption of this law, it was particularly hard to help young adults as parents. Coverage was to go until the age of 21. The rules are put forward to govern the new health insurance policy. Individuals will face the law if he or she does not abide by the laws (Jose, 2010).
All employers with more than 50 employees are expected to provide a quality health insurance for their employees. Immigrants who are not legal in the United States are not eligible for health insurance. This will promote quality health to people in the United States. The people who are poor and are employees of an organization will be able to access a better health care for themselves and their children. It will also reduce the money that the government spends in the people on medical care. In the past, the organization did not care on the well-being of their employees, and they were exposed to poor environment in which they could easily conduct diseases. With the implementation of this policy, employers will be more cautious with their workers and hence promotion of a healthy nation (Fishman, 2010).
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The continuous change in the environment and technology exposes the workers to serious health issues. Employers should work in a way that improves the employees' well-being. The new policy health promotion includes good administration of well-being in the work place. The changing humanity of employment and the implication on employee health in the present climate of globalization and scientific changes are also examined. The rise in the workplace pressures may affect the employee psychologically. Increase in the mental health issues, in the United States, is because of the rise in the work stress. The new health reform act reviews the changing highlights the role of employers and methods of management that are directed to the comfort of the employer. Every employer should provide medical cover to his or her employees.
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