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Founding Fathers

Historical struggles that the founding fathers fought for are ever manifested in the present life. They relentlessly fought against all odds to give their future generations' liberty and freedom. In their quest for freedom the principle of republicanism always guided them and they could stop at nothing to ensure the society is liberated, has inalienable rights and the nation is sovereign Wright, p.62. Their sacrifice was not in vain as it led to a changed society that respected the rights of everyone.

This paper focuses on the extent to which the founding fathers believed in the principle of republicanism and the degree to which they successfully established a government that assured social, political, and economic freedom for every person regardless of gender, age, race, or class.

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Republicanism being a political value structure focused on American Revolution of the society in terms of liberty, rights, sovereignty, independence, abolishment of political power inheritance and elimination of corruption and racism Wilson, p.109. Great founding fathers including; Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison all stood for the principles of republicanism. They have helped fight slavery and racism, establish the rights for workers, and protested against war. They have focused on better lives through equal rights, independence, and liberty Wright, p.81.

The founding fathers fought to eliminate democratic leadership that was present in Europe that believed in the elimination of the rights of minority and helped create a society where the right of everyone is incorporated and heard Zinn, p.84. They sought to eliminate slavery and servitude of the African Americans and the poor by the Europeans and liberated the poor people in the colonial rule. Their efforts initiated the American Revolution whose principles were based on republicanism in view of this fact the founding fathers believed in the principles of republicanism and followed them to liberate the American society Wright, p.149.

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A constitution, a liberal society, gender equality, and rights for workers are few of the many achievements the founding fathers brought to America. Their sacrifice and devotion to a free and liberal society were passed on to future generation through a society that respected the rights of all people. Though it came many years and hard sacrifice the founding fathers successfully established a government that assured social, political, and economic freedom for every person regardless of gender, age, race, or class.

The constitution was a major success in their struggles since they aimed at a draft that would be amended by a super majority so that the minority could not be ignored and it assured sovereignty to all citizens Ferguson, p.136. This eliminated the monarchy system of the Europeans and defeated a large economic colonial power; the constitution ensured political and social sovereignty in the nation. The invention of political parties that instilled a culture of a legal opposition was a step to make the voice of all people heard and considered.

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The rights of every individual were protected in the constitution and this contributed to a liberal and free society Belmonte, p.108. They also established a capitalistic principle that ensured people became industrious to accumulate wealth thus have economic freedoms. The separation of church from the state was another achievement of the founding fathers they ensured this was so as they also established a first ever republic in history; the best part is that their achievements were done without violent wars of modern revolutions Ferguson, p.167.

The modern American society can boast of so many achievements made by their founding fathers and more specifically those that were achieved following the principle of republicanism. The principle has brought about a revolutionized society where the social, political and economic rights for every man, woman, and child in America, regardless of race and class are guaranteed.

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