Custom «The Irish Republican Army» Essay Paper Sample

The Irish Republican Army

The Irish Republican army (IRA) was formed in 1916, and its prime aim was to advocate for withdrawal of Britain who had occupied Ireland for more than 800 years. IRA had ruled Britain brutally and in a discriminatory way. The main aim of IRA was to use necessary weapons to achieve their political goal and to defend their community (Derkins Susie 2003). The major cause of IRA was the failure of rebellion, where the Irish used bombs and assassination of their brothers, which was directed to the Protestants and British military. The failure of the British military to grand home rule to the Ireland led to eruption of war against Britain (Likar 2011). Secondly, the Irish Catholics were not given the same opportunities for jobs and housing as Irish Protestants were they were treated harshly by the British military. Thirdly, the argument that was used to justify the establishment the united independent thirty-two county Irish states democratically (Shanahan, 2009).

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Firstly, there were violent attacks that caused death to many people. The republican killed a large number of Protestants civilians in bombing operations, the largest population of people who were killed were the Catholic civilians who were killed because of their religion the this was done if favor of the protestants who supported to British. Secondly the British military opened fire on a group of demonstrators who were Catholics and others were shot on their backs. IRA and the union Ulster volunteer force began campaigns against each other because the IRA was working in favor of the Catholics. Thirdly, the British government later on over looked the campaigns of the paramilitary by judging those who were involved in the attacks. Several people were arrested and convicted while some were found to be innocent of the terrorist crimes (Derkins, 2008).

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The IRA started getting funds from the American military authorities based southern Boston, in the united states of America which forced mean to take uniforms and take part in demonstrations organized by American Association for the recognition of the Irish republic. Much of funds and weaponry being supplied to IRA was coming from Boston and large shipments of weapons and ammunition using a Gloucester fishing boat named Valhalla (White 2008). IRA brought about social cooperation because it lead to revolutionary movements like the American revolution as army's used force against Britons who were in Ireland which lead to the corporation with the work force this changed their strategy.

It also led to dispossession of native Irish farmers and landowners because of eminent potato famine to America while those who remained suffered from massive starvation and diseases such as cholera and typhus. Within the period that IRA was formed to its end, a lot of things happened to Ireland and many people such as the Catholics suffered in favor of the Protestants. Despite these challenges, Ireland was free at last.

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