Custom «Advertisement for Snacks» Essay Paper Sample

Advertisement for Snacks

The advertisement carried in the television was intended to market the snacks, toys as well as stationery. The demography of the advertisement was basically directed to the children of a younger age. For instance, those who love watching cartoon on TV. The positioning of the product was effective in that it took advantage of the program which is loved by young children so as to market it. It is an effective way of marketing the product, and as a result, children will most likely intervene for their parents to buy the products for them every time they see it being advertised.

An advertisement by Jung von Matt/Alster

The advertisement by Jung von Matt/Alster aims at marketing the watchmaker IWC. The market segment of the product is directed to ensure that those whose the bus for travelling can easily feel the comfort of the product before they purchase it. It significantly targets the male travelers who aboard the bus and the female too can take the opportunity to inform their husbands about the product. The bus straps are the ideal location position in which customers can prepare themselves for purchase before arriving at Berlin, Germany. This is another effective way of trying to market the product by making the customer have a firsthand experience of the service before they can purchase. It is also a cheap way of reaching a wide number of consumers.

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Keith Urban Phoenix

Keith Urban Phoenix is an edgy, complex cowboy cologne that is mostly associated with the men. It is a popular brand that has the popular musician, Keith Urban, as its logo. It is positioned to attract the funs who love to associate themselves with the musician. It shows men to have a try in the new fragrance and smell as new as ever. The product and which is associated with Keith Urban is likely to have an effective sale in the market. People, and more those who love his music to listen to his music, treasure the fact that the musician has a loving scent when performing backstage. As a result of this history, they will as well like to smell as he does.

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