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 Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom

a) The ‘big idea’ in this case according to Grant Wiggins is a collection of discrete facts that can ultimately form a sensible and reasonable concept. To present the big idea that emerge from a classroom setting or an exercise, various lines of thoughts shall be considered. The first thought involves introducing a vocabulary in context using real and authentic language. This considers a statement or a section of a text that surrounds a particular word. Circumstances surrounding the context can reflect the meaning of the specified vocabulary or word.

Using multisensory and multimedia input resources enhances learning. Multimedia refers to use of both words and pictures to explain information. Picture refers to illustrations, graphs photos, animations and video. Multisensory refers to the brain being viewed as neural networks that keeps on reorganizing itself. Use of visual and auditory input is yet another style of presentation. Visual memory is very effective to many learners. Written information or word takes a long time to process compared to audio or video sources.

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Culturally authentic visuals and use of illustrations form the second idea. A word or vocabulary can have various meanings depending on how they are used. For example, a secondary meaning that can be defined through the use of cultural context. When this is applied, then the meaning is extracted to fit the situation. Thematic introduction of vocabulary forms the third style. This is possible through the use of word associations. This means that new words will always be fixed into the already existing networks or related information in our brains. Moreover, the target language use by the teacher should be maximized. This is a good way to create rich input in the classroom setting. Students grasp new words effectively. Finally, promotion of deeper level understanding can still be used as a method. This is through elaborative rehearsals in the word or new vocabulary.

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b) Following Dorenyi’s advice, students can be motivated to learn and participate in the same vocabulary class through many ways. Helping to create realistic learner beliefs’ goes a long way in motivating students. The interest of the learner can be enhanced through braking monotony in classroom. A teacher can introduce a story or a song. All these have to be interesting. Such student involvement boosts the memory of student and helps vocabulary training.

Secondly, a teacher can make learning stimulating and more enjoyable. This increases the attractiveness of the task. The teacher should also focus on the motivational flow rather than information flow. This is achieved through multimedia approach of illustration.

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Third strategy is by transforming learning into an active task. Tasks that require bodily involvement through movement, talking or use of mentally challenging questions are a good example. If we need our students to do the best when attending to task, they need to see reason why they have to do it. Moreover, present and administer the task in a motivating way. Raise the students’ anxiety level and provide appropriate strategies for implementing tasks. Another important motivation process entails the use contracting methods with enables students to formalize their goals and commitment. This enhances the learners self esteem and confidence. Finally, the teachers should build positive social image of their students. Students who feel respected can explore much. This results into excellence in all subjects.

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