Custom «Bergenfield New Jersey» Essay Paper Sample

Bergenfield New Jersey

Bergenfield owes its history to Dutch immigrants who were mostly farmers.

The community of Bergenfield New Jersey has a population of 25576 people with a per capita income of $21,667 as of 2009. The community is a blend of many cultures with 45.2% being white, 26.3% being of Asian origin, 19.4% are Hispanic, 7.2% are black, 1.6% are of two or more races while the remaining 0.3% belong to other races. The median age of residents of Bergenfield is 37.6 years with 47.8% of the population being male while the remaining 52.2% are female. The health care industry employs a majority of the people in Bergenfield followed closely by the educational services sector. Trade is also a significant industry in Bergenfield with 117 retail establishments in the area.

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Coopers pond is a favorite destination for many tourists and local residents. The site is conducive for wedding photos, art exhibits, craft fairs, summer concerts, fishing contests and Christmas caroling. During the Christmas holidays, public works employees offer the children a chance to sit on Santa’s lap in Coopers pond. The Memorial Park Pavilion area is a park that is used by the residents for a fee and after fulfilling the terms and conditions. The recreational centre offers a broad range of activities for the young people. Garage sales are common in Bergenfield; however, the laws only allow for two garages sales in a year. Garage sales offer a place for neighbors to interact while conducting business. The museum is a meting hub for the art lovers while the swimming club is a haven for those who love the outdoors. Various communities hold bazaars and baked goods sale in the fall and early winter.

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Members of the Bergenfield community contribute to the community by donating individually to charities or organizations of their choice. Political donations are posted on a website for recognition. The donations may be either of monetary value or non-monetary value such as the blood donation drive sponsored by the Bergenfield health board. The residents are required by the Borough has set standards that every home-owner should follow. Such a collective effort will ensure that Bergen field continues to enjoy a presentable look. Many service-offering professionals are required by law to register with the relevant offices. Several channels are available to the residents to confirm this information. Members of the community are liable to report and suspicious actions to the community response team.

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Numerous public amenities are available to the members of the community. They include but not limited to a public library, a volunteer Ambulance cops and the senior citizens housing development. Besides the numerous materials available for reading at the public library, it also offers lectures, films, children’s story hours and summer reading clubs. To keep the children busy during their summer holidays, there is a recreational facility that offers activities that are bound to keep the children busy throughout the holiday. Various hotlines are available to ensure that the residents are informed of any development in the area.

A socially responsible citizen is one who abides to the rules for the greater good of the community. Such rules include not parking in the roadway when it snows heavily. Shoving the snow into the streets is also a prohibited act. To promote the greater good of the society, a resident may also volunteer to the various volunteer programs in the area such as the fire service.

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