Custom «Wonder in Nine Months» Essay Paper Sample

Wonder in Nine Months

Seems like the world revolves around you?  Did your personality become the center of attention? Then you are probably one of those pregnant women who have nine bright months of unforgettable experience and a constant roller coaster of emotions. Somebody is inside you. It is way too small, but it has already become the meaning of your life. And a little wonder! But how to spend these nine months, which activities to choose, what meals to buy and clothes to wear, where to go and where not to go is basically up to you. Still we believe that this simple list of tips will serve as a so-called pregnant-helper before the wonder happens. They say, pregnant women tend to have difficulties memorizing the things whereas you can always prove the opposite and become a great organizer.

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Do you remember a game called The Treasure Island? Either yes or no, you must understand that to be successful, you are to have a well-created strategy. Just use this ‘plan’ to win the pregnancy game.

Part A

The major problem comes when talking about the food pregnant women are allowed to eat and what they should avoid. It is not that much difficult, though. Just bear in the mind some rules. You know, whether your child might win the Nobel Prize depends on you or rather on what you eat during the whole period of pregnancy. The menu should consist only of organic food, preferably milk, meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables, and fruits. The reason is pretty clear: this food is environmentally friendly; therefore, it is regardede as the most valuable source of vitamins for the mental development of your baby. Be creative: cook a sprout-based salad and glass of nutritional smoothie with dried fruits, nuts, and honey. It is highly recommended to start your morning with a glass of fresh juice; sprouted wheat juice would be the most extraordinary. Indeed, nutritional aspect of pregnancy is of the chief significance. If you think twice when choosing food and preparing meals, everything will be all right. Perhaps, you will bring up a polymath. Who knows…

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Part B

Physical activity is what you should think carefully about. Choose among conventional methods, e.g. slow but durable walks in the park or a new hobby like aerobics classes, yoga or swimming in the pool. Try to develop your fitness program, but do not forget to discuss it with a professional trainer. This way, you will keep fit, prevent the stretch marks, and ensure the safe development of your baby.

Part C

It may sound crazy, but surround yourself with five or six children and try to cope with at least with three of them. If you do, you have all chances to become a perfect mum. Think of new games, exciting stories, print some coloring pages, or find a couple of simple riddles.

Part D

Create a warm atmosphere of cosiness. For example, make your home smell amazing with aromatherapy candles. Take a bath full of rose petals and bubbles and use coconut oil afterwards. Remind your partner that you love flowers and encourage him to buy some of your favorite ones as well as prepare a tasty dinner for two of you.

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Part E

If you want to purchase new stuff you were dreaming of for quite a long time, you will turn doing the shopping into the most pleasant experience ever. Concentrate on loose overalls, cute dresses, and wide blouses. Strange as it may seem, pregnancy is such a period when the bigger your belly is, the more attractive you look. So, celebrate your shape and feel fabulous during the pregnancy. Apart from the outfit, look for a pregnancy bandage and a body pillow.

Part A + Part B + Part C + Part D + Part E = your clue to a wonder. Finally, why don’t you catch every single moment by taking everyday photos of you looking lovely with your baby in your belly? Write down super funny comments so that you could enjoy reading them later to your partner, friends, relatives, and surely to your child. Let the pregnancy be a memorable experience in your life!

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All things considered, one should realize that pregnancy is both a wonderful period and quite a tough challenge to overcome. Therefore, this topic is mostly important for the future moms and those couples who are planning to have babies soon. Needless to say, forewarned is forearmed. The consequences of not being informed about the topic may vary from the least dangerous like gaining three or four extra kilos to even the stressful ones, for example, putting on more than fifteen kilos.

The program is basically aimed at women of eighteen to forty-five years old. We hope that it will appear educational and prevent the unpleasant situations that may occur during the pregnancy.

The tips are expressed in a form of a short guidebook which includes the introduction, several parts with the instructions and some advice, and, finally, the conclusion.

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If I had a chance to present this information to the audience, I would either give a public speech at the health care conferences or administer the program in a booklet free of charge in the hospital waiting areas or the supermarkets for pregnant women.

The guidance is rather logical, complete and should be rooted in the current information from published or online magazines since it is presented methodically.

The audience is expected to take action by thinking over the received information profoundly and following those little plans, particularly choosing the right food and doing a general workout program. Not only pregnant women are to read this sort of information, but also their partners. This would mean they both are aware of how to ease the period of pregnancy.

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