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Some of the good leadership skills are integrity, vision, effective communication and persuasion. Integrity-This involves possessing strong guiding principles that cannot be compromised. The leader with integrity treats other people as they require to be treated. Integrity is always based on the leader's guiding values and believes and it is reflected in actions, thinking and attitudes.
Vision- A good leader should have clear ideas about the direction of the organization in the future time. He/she must know where the organization is going in the long term. Effective communication- This involves the communication between the organization's leaders and the followers. Leaders are supposed to be proficient in communication that connects them to others and seeks out information. Persuasion- The leaders should have the ability to influence other people and enhance their moving into a particular required direction (Example Leadership Skills List: 10 Great Leader Qualities).
The managers need to develop the skills that are important in motivating the modern teams. This can be done through various leadership development training programs. Can someone who is a leader not be a manager? Why or why not? Can someone who is a manager not be a leader? Why or why not?
An appropriate answer to this question is "no". A manager can be a leader and vice versa. This is because the skills to be a manager or a leader are not exclusive in nature. For example, the leaders with only leadership skills are ineffective when it comes to some activities such as completing the employee reviews and checking the time cards, the activities that the managers are required to carry out regularly. Similarly, the managers who spends much time in paperwork and reading the company reports creates problems for themselves because they lack adequate relationships with the employees (Are you a Manager or a Leader?).
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