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Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is the method and means in which an organization carries out its functions. An organization being a component of several functions has a systematic approach in attaining its goals and objectives. Each part of the organization is responsible for one or other duty and responsibility. The execution of each function of the organization and the speed with which each function behaves towards achieving the organization's objectives creates a trend. When a trend is created over time, it develops into a culture, which can be either a positive culture or a negative culture.
A positive culture is a situation where all the functions of the organization work in accord to achieve the organization's goals and objectives. A negative culture, on the other hand, has the functions clashing with each other. This leads to the organization's goals not being met and if they are met, results are not satisfactory.
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Organizational Behavior
Organizational behavior is the attitude and response of workers towards their duties and fellow workmates or their superiors. Behavior in the organization can be influenced by a variety of factors, which include working conditions, levels of motivation in the work force, incentives given, and the relationship of workers with the management. Behavior is a critical aspect of the organization as it contributes directly to the productivity and growth of the organization. It is, therefore, very important that behavior be monitored, in the organization, to avoid situations that might compromise the overall organizations goals (Tompkins & Jonathan 2005).
Diversity is described as a situation where different groups of individuals are brought together to work like a single unit. Diversity can be of various types, for example, different talents, different professional and educational backgrounds, opposite sex, race and culture or regions in the country. Diversity in an organization is important as it aids in growth and different approach to a variety of issues. It is also important for an organization to diversify in its operations with the major aim of meeting its objectives (Ozbilgin & Tatli, 2008).
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Communication is the means in which information is passed from one point to another. Communication can be achieved in different ways. It can be verbal, written, or electronic in nature. Organizations must implement efficient and effective communication tools. It is very important for an organization to have information when and where needed at the most opportune moment. Expediency in communication enables the organization and its functions to run efficiently (Papa, et al. 2008).
It is evident that an organization's culture contributes to its overall performance. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate a positive culture in the organization. A positive culture will lead to improved productivity and growth. For instance if, in an organization, each carries his or her duties efficiently and with expediency without being prompted to do so will lead to increased productivity ((Berko, et al.2010). This leads to better incentives and compensations to individuals and increased growth to the organization as a whole.
Behavior in the organization should be a critical indicator of the trend that the organization is likely to take. Behavior can contribute positively or negatively to an organization's productivity and growth. It is, therefore, necessary for any managerial function of the organization to monitor behavior in its workers. Good behavior indicates a positive trend in the organization whereas negative or bad behavior can be detrimental to any organization's functions and eventually its objectives. Behavior is characterized by factors like the working conditions, incentives given and relationships between workers and management. If any of these factors are not to the satisfaction of workers, it may lead to reduced productivity, go slows and strikes. Therefore, it is necessary for any organization to cultivate positive behavior in its effort to achieve its goals (Berko, et al. (2010).
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An organization that is well diversified has increased growth. This is ascertained by the different pools of ideas put together; therefore, creating a strong workforce which due to its diversity challenges itself to succeed. It is important to note that, by diversifying its workforce, an organization creates an environment for innovations and creativity in the workforce. This creates competitiveness in the organization. Therefore, increases input by the workers and hence increased productivity. Diversification in an organization's operations and activities lead to increased growth leading to the achievement of its goals and objectives (Ozbilgin & Tatli, 2008).
Without communication on the organization, it cannot function. Therefore, an efficient communication infrastructure is necessary for prompt communication. The infrastructure should secure the information communicated and should deliver to its intended subjects with ease and speed. An organization should ensure that all its functions are in proper communication to ensure that each part runs, as it should. If communication is derailed in any way, it might lead to serious implications for the organization. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a communication policy, which provides for any contingency that might occur (Papa, et al. 2008). A good communication infrastructure will always ensure information is received and delivered where and when required without delay or distortions. This generally leads to better results in the organization.
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Brief Analysis of an Organization's Culture and Behavior: The Government
The government being the central organization that is mandated to run and manage the country is subject to cultural and behavioral aspects of the organization. Since there are several functions and arms to expedite in its main objective of giving service to its citizens, it is inclined to have a positive culture in service delivery. This is the case in most functions even though some have some degree of negative culture especially when following protocols and bureaucratic procedures. These lead to poor service deliveries (Tompkins & Jonathan, 2005).
Behavior in this type of organization is mostly characterized by nature of work, levels in the hierarchy of command and incentives provided. Behavior is inclined to be positive in most cases, but it is not always so. Workers in the government face a variety of issues, which are not usually addressed promptly or at times not addressed. This is so because of the large number of procedures and levels of management to be undergone. These have led to behaviors, which lead to delay or derailment of service delivery. Trade unions and management mainly affect behavior in this type of organization. Productivity and realization of the overall organization goals mainly relies in the management of behavior in the organization.
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