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Organization Culture in Public Organizations


From a long time, the Australian public sector was subjected to various instances of managerial reforms in relation to the new management of the public organizations. The change as followed revolutions in the public sector, which are aimed at the development of the post bureaucratic organizational forms that are able to embrace flexibility, adaptability as well as management of performance within the decentralized organizations (Parker & Bradley, 2000).          

Due to this, a research was undertaken to ascertain these speculations in the management of organizational culture. It was set to determine the dominating organizational management model in the administration of the organizational culture between the traditional scheme and new management of public sector.

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Organizational change has for many years been linked to the managerial reforms in the public sector. In this context, the change is directed towards the growth of a post bureaucratic organizational culture and after which still exists a limited empirical comprehension of the culture in publicly based entities. Public sector organizations in Queensland have been encouraged to change from the traditional bureaucratic methodologies and values and center their interest in transformations. In doing this, they should look at the flexibility and entrepreneurialism aspects as well as the concentration on the outcomes in addition to the organizational efficiency and productivity as an option to management.

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Since the olden days, the public sector in Australia has been subjected to a series of managerial reforms that all the time has been directed at realizing cost efficiency as well as accountability on top of the enhanced customer focus in the delivery of service. In the reform process, these organizations have been able to promote the operations decentralization on top of the rising the emphasis on being flexible and able to adapt and undertake the management in the decentralized organizations. These transformations have been pursued with limited empirical comprehension of the organizational culture in the public sector a factor that makes them depleted of the cultural sensitivity in the public organizations, which affects both the running of these entities as well as policy formulations.

On management backgrounds, organizational culture lack of comprehension in the public sector is major in the sense that the cultural bases are central to the transformation process and attainment of the strategic goals. New public organization management techniques will conflict with the attitude and values on top of the cultural doctrines in the sector as pointed out and the strategies formulated to the realization of new reforms needs to be designed putting into considerations the cultural aspects that exist in the public sector entities.

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The managers imperative understanding of the culturally based organizational conventions is argued would facilitate the change process. This is because it facilitates the development of management strategies that are in line with the organizational context. The improved understanding of the cultural points of view in the public organizations as well does avail a basis for evaluations of the realistic strategies set at the realization of advanced outcomes in the public sector.

From policy formulation perspective, the familiarization with the public service nature of organizational culture avails the basis in which an elucidation and the assessment of the current reform process aptness and outcomes can be evaluated.

This is a survey report that is used to address the comprehension of organizational culture in the public organizations. The research has been done by the analysis of culture while referring to the competing values of internal as well as the external orientation and control. This is a realistic research that was done in Queensland, and it covered at least six organizations. This was a realistic sample size to analyze the matter from and the whole research was significant in a large way.

It undertaken at Queensland because the public sector in the area has over years undergone through the reform process whereby the public organizations are encouraged to change from the technical model in culture management because of its emphasis on the rules as well as procedures and stability and to focus on the new aspects of public sector management. The research as also utilized supports for more participatory and as well as the flexible organizational work organization forms that are set to facilitate and nature a sense of entity loyalty amongst the employees. This being a survey report it has been able to give an indication that the public sector entities persist on the hierarchical organizational culture management.

Despite the variations on the people who have researched on this matter, similarities were noted in the research process. First of them, all is the overlapping of the concepts that are utilized as the identification and description of the culture in public organizations is concerned. This research as well as the prior undertaken on the field does emphasis on value based approaches as opposed to the usage of assumptions and artifacts, which is very positive as a metric of the organizational cultural perspective. This is because facts are more accessible as opposed to assumptions as well as greatly reliable than artifacts.

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According to the research, significant pressure has been depicted in the organizations in the sense that the ventures in advanced economies, which are arising from the volatile economic nations and situations, have been forced to adopt cost-cutting approaches. Cost cutting pressures have formed the basis within which the practitioners have absorbed new management approaches as the basis of changing organizations in the public sector. Management changes have offered the mechanisms that are able to overcome the deficiencies of the olden hierarchical models of public administration and they have availed an alternative approach to management framework that is on greater manner more effective to the management of the challenging global economic environment.

The olden municipal administration model has been well conceptualized in the literature. This research majoring on public administration has been able to outline the common characteristics that are practiced in the public sector administration that includes the usage of the rational rules and procedures systems as well as the usage of the present structured hierarchies and the formalized processes of making decisions and possible growth that is based on administrative expertise.

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An additional feature that is linked to the olden public organizations is the fact that they were answerable to the political controls as opposed to the market controls. The public ventures were subjected to political authorities, which made them less productive due the fact that they were confined to a centralized legislation. Due to the political restrictions, these organizations have over years operated with vague objectives and unrealistic goals.

This is a quantitative research and the usage of values is reasonable because they are more accessible as artifacts are only considered particular to an organization and the differences in the organization values is rooted on the varying emphasis on the limited set of value that exists in the larger society (Harvard Business Press, 2002). The collection of value-based data in this research makes it realistic to the problem that is being addressed and it utilizes the collection methods that are realistic and reasonable. Value laded data facilitates the analytical aspect of the reasons as to why the public organizations still hold on the olden ways of govern ship.

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This research did as well utilize the competing values framework as it examines the organizational culture. This framework was effective in this research because it does explore the competing demands in a public organization between the internal and external environment. Internal focus in an organization does emphasize integration and management of information as well as communication while the externally focused entities does embrace growth acquiring of resources and external environment interactions. Bureaucratically based organizations on the other hand give emphasis on the stability as well as cohesion while the flexible organizations embrace adaptability and spontaneity.

The theoretical analysis does embrace the two dimensions to outline four organizational, culture types. These cultural types are the internal process model that involves an internal focus where communication and information management are utilized to achieve stability and control. Open systems model on the other hand, is an incorporation of the external focus where readiness and adaptability are utilized to realize augmentation, reserve acquirement, as well as external support (Hofstede, Hofstede & Minkoy, 2010). Human relations model is a culturally based approach in which flexibility is utilizes training and development of the workforce to realized cohesion and employee morale. It is a group culture model. The rational goal model on the other hand, involves the external focus in which planning as well as setting of the goals is utilized to arrive at productivity as well as efficiency.

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This research outlines the management of change and stressing conditions in the public sector entities has been delayed by the lack of orientation towards adaptability and the change as well as the taking of risks. They too have lacked the orientation towards expected returns. These entities have rather been oriented to bureaucratic culture proven by their rules approach.

The adoption of the current organization design is realistic and outright. This is because it improves efficiency by the involving of all the group culture. Usage of the high performance teams is realistic and reasonable in the context that the article depicts. This is because the bureaucratic models advocate for procedures whose follow up wastes time and discourages the utilization of innovative ideas hence embracing of the high performance work team would ensure productivity is realized at a single moment and their shall be no need of approvals and procedural approach to the matter. Productive work teams do have the chance of creating reasonable work as opposed to the poorly placed teams, which have to be supervised all the time to be able to work towards the realization of the entity objectives.

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This research utilized a mail-out survey. This was possible by the fact that a mail list was designed from national directory after which it was used to deliver the survey online. In the research, six departments that were big enough were chosen considering that as a group that they were involved in the many duties that are carried out in the publicly based organizations. The roles that were looked at during the choosing of the departments were that of managerial coordination, provisions of infrastructure and other social, services linked to the public sector needs. This was a realistic way of coming up with a group that was reasonable and able to facilitate the undertaking of an effective research. It was a good number that the researchers choose to use six departments after evaluating the ability of the respondents to respond to the matters that were affecting them after they were assigned various roles in the public sector domain. This was a practical systematic way of choosing the sample. More over, the sampling frame incorporated 530 names out from the six departments chosen for this research. It was realistic to have this number of names involved in the research.











The sample choice was as well realistic in the sense that only the questionnaires that were usable were valid in the analysis of the case. Respondent’s percentage count of 36 was not bad for the valid questionnaires. This sample was practical as well because it involved 48 women and 143 male participants. According to the article, the respondents had worked in the public sector for at least 17 years   and the age bracket was wide enough to have all the possible respondents in place. It has well included the managers on all levels of public organization from the junior managers to the executive, which was realistic as well. From this point of view, it is therefore reasonable to conclude that the sample size and choice was realistic and it facilitated what the researcher was out to achieve.

Other scholarly articles done by prior researchers on public organizations had a similar basis. They advocated the changing of public organizations traditional bureaucratic management approaches to include the modernized management approaches that are realistic and practical. These articles finding were similar in the sense that they too found out that public organizations embraced the hierarchal mode of management that has development limitations and there was a need of developing them to include the modernized and practical management approaches (Kotter, 1992). In this context is support that these organizations should be transformed to the recent management approaches as the article advocates.

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From this article, many things have been learnt. First as a manager I should have the freedom that I deserve so much to ensure that I am able to come up with strategies that are realistic and related to the demands of the public sector effective service delivery. It is not practical to be dictated by the political based authorities if at all, the public organizations have to be efficient in the provisions of sufficient service. As a manager, I would opt at utilizing the recent managerial approaches toward the realization of the goals and aims of that organization that I lead. This is because the traditional approaches are vague and limiting to the ability of the manager to realistically partake his or her duties.

Thus to ensure the strategies that I operate with are sufficient to facilitate the organizational growth and good service delivery as a manager, adopting reasonable approaches shall be sufficient for me. An organization management team that operates with an organic structure is able to run its roles and responsibilities with much ease as opposed to the rigid mechanistic approaches that embrace narrow control span and embrace centralization. These mechanistic approaches are linked to many rules and regulations, which makes them much formalized as opposed to the little formalized and embracing high-decentralized decisions making approaches (Scheim, 1996). From this point of view, I have leant that it is reasonable to adopt an organic structure to ensure that all players are given equal chances as far as the process of decision-making is concerned to ensure good organizational management. This makes these ventures to do better and as a manager, I would adopt an organic system that is able to see me implement strategies and achieve the entities goals and objectives amicably.

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The findings of this research were the hierarchal systems were the dominating models of management as opposed to what the research was set on and the researcher was expecting. Being undertaken to determine if the organizational cultures were linked to the new public organizations management in Queensland, the researcher expected to know that the traditional models were not dominating the public sector organizations but to his or her surprise six departments were running on the internal process model. Thus, this paper has been able to avail evidence relating to the recent organizational culture in Queensland public sector after examining it against the new public management. It has shown that culture in the public organizations still reflect on traditional public administration approaches.  

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