Custom «The Importance of Marketable Objectives» Essay Paper Sample
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The CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health is the company that provides children with health care services. It means that it has a noble character as it looks for sponsors and investors who can help with money spent on equipment. The CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health is one of the leading forces that aim at improving children’s health and well-being. Moreover, it is necessary to mention that the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health is a grant maker, advocate, facilitator, educator, and provider. Consequently, the marketing objectives are essential for its growth and development; they should fit the role of the healthcare organization and should help in developing a marketing plan.
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Key Marketing Objectives
Every healthcare organization should have its strategic plan that includes marketing objectives. Regarding the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health, its marketing objective presupposes education and prevention. It means that the company educates children’s parents and relatives about serious health conditions.
Another marketing objective is to raise awareness of services. It is evident that the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health offers a high quality and efficacy through services and provides the necessary information on the website. Consequently, the patients of this healthcare organization are aware of its benefits and noble mission to make the community healthier. The company uses social media campaigns, online videos, and outreach programs (The CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health, n.d.).
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Furthermore, the marketing objective of the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health is to identify new patients and their needs. It means that the company follows their interests and tries to promote their health and well-being. Thus, the healthcare organization buys the necessary equipment and facilities.
Another marketing strategy of the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health is to involve as many families as possible and equip them with the benefits, knowledge, advocacy, services, and programs necessary for happy and healthy life. Consequently, marketing objectives of the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health put the health and well-being of children above its profit. Thus, such orientation, on the contrary, makes the company popular, attracting sponsors and other organizations to help children.
The Role of the Healthcare Organization
The role of the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health is noble and it serves the community’s needs and interests. First, it is ready to help all children, demonstrating respect and special treatment. Second, the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health provokes trust, truthfulness, and soundness as it bears corporate responsibility for the healthcare activities. Third, it shows personal and professional excellence that promotes its reputation and image among other healthcare companies. Moreover, as mentioned above, the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health plays the role of not only the provider but also educator, advocate, grant maker, moral supporter, and helper (The CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health, n.d.).
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It is necessary to mention that the marketing objectives fit the role of the healthcare organization. First, they are based on the following company’s values: excellence, compassion, integrity, and reverence. It means that the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health intends to serve the community, bring the benefits, and promote health and well-being as the necessary life conditions. Second, the marketing objectives do not work for the sake of profitability. In contrast, they help to grow, develop, and meet the public interests. Both company’s role and marketing objectives aim at transforming the community, making it healthier and happier. Thus, the marketing objectives fit the role of the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health and benefit its growth.
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Developing a Marketing Plan
To develop a marketing plan, one should study the healthcare market, customers’ needs, demands, and necessary services. Thus, a marketing director should focus on such marketing objective as differentiation. It means that the healthcare company should suggest healthcare services dividing the customers into segments according to age and health status. Moreover, the marketing director should identify target customers to meet their needs and demands by using behavioral, psychographic, demographic, and geographic characteristics. Moreover, when developing a marketing plan, it is important to include such marketing objective as improvement of patient experience. It can be achieved through the high quality, individual approach, and proper treatment (Scott, 2011).
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Another marketing objective that should be included is defining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health. This step helps to evaluate company’s resources and capabilities, as well as determine harmful factors, obstacles to success, and future possibilities (Hughes, 2010). It is obvious that the marketing plan should not only include the current state of affairs but also the perspectives for further development. Moreover, the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health should always improve its marketing objectives, as the situation in the market is changeable and flexible (Ferrel & Hartline, 2010). The marketing director should focus on increasing the number of patients. It means that the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health can help diverse groups of children. It is also necessary to improve customers’ experience providing them with different healthcare programs.
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It is necessary to say that the marketing objectives are important for the CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health. First, they benefit its planning. Second, they encourage development and growth. The key marketing objectives of the company include educating children’s parents and relatives about serious health conditions, identifying patients’ needs and demands, and increasing brand awareness. However, the marketing director should constantly improve and adapt them to the situation in the market and the organization. It is also important to make marketing objectives coincide with the role of the healthcare company.
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