Custom «Reading Response» Essay Paper Sample

Reading Response

I have two friends who are both close to me but could hardly go well together. One is a little bit tall while the other is remarkably small. She would always ask me to reach items in the grocery store. The other, however, is taller than I but my other friend would rather ask me the favor. In pictures, I am always at the center because both of them would not sit with each other.

My tall friend is not smart but she is neither dumb too. She is the type who would inspect the details of an item she will purchase but would not care to count her change after the purchase. She has a good voice. She sings in church and in school and is confident of herself. She loves to talk about different stories and does not get tired of telling them. Her memory is too sharp that she could even remember our dessert in a banquet five years ago. However, she always tends to forget that she already told a story she was telling for the second, third, and even fourth time. She easily gets annoyed when people disagree with her. She hates corrections and would always insist her view but she is sweet and happy most of the time that her friends always enjoy her companion. She is lovely and attractive with her slim body and long wavy hair. And her bright eyes reflect the lightness of her heart.

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The other is rather a genius. Like the first, she has a sharp memory but unlike the other, she remembers that the story was already told thrice. She loves reading and she always brings a book with her. She hates noise and noisy people as well. But she loves to listen to personal experiences and loves to learn from them. She is sensitive with details too and that makes her a good writer. She enjoys taking photographs and loves arranging them in scrapbooks. She always corrects people but keeps silent when she is corrected. She loves to laugh and wants to be with people who can make her laugh. She is not a singer and her voice is not of one but she can tell when a note flats and she can play different musical instruments too. Unlike the other, she is a little bit chubby and short but she is nonetheless cute with her short curls.

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