Custom «Hazardous Gas Practices, a Threat to Our Health» Essay Paper Sample

Hazardous Gas Practices, a Threat to Our Health

Gas production has been a good income generator for this economy. Many have been employed and a lot have been explored. However, this is not my main purpose of writing. As a resident in Loss Angels, I am writing to advocate express my concern on the harmful gas production practices that is already affecting the community.

The current production strategies are exposing the residents to health problems. Bad production practices are in place. To start with, there is no assurance that the water used by the residents is safe. It has been contaminated by the disposed drilling equipment and the liquid gas leakage that is directed to the drainage system. The disposal of the gas waste has been on the increase over the past five years both onsite and offsite. The rivers and waterways that serve the community have been tainted with radioactive resources such as radium, highly corrosive salt and carcinogens. These materials are leading into serious illness among the community.

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Moreover, the gas production techniques are leading to high air pollution. The gases release a lot of methane which is a potential cause of global warming.

Some operators have decided to sell their wastes instead of paying for their disposal. The purchasers of these wastes use them to de-ice the winter not knowing that what the ice melts, it finally finds its ways to their drinking supply. This practice has led to the contamination increase in both the aquatic and human environment.

The chemicals used to process the gases are of more harm than even the gases themselves. These chemicals produce a lot of radioactive elements and pollute the air. The condensates produced by the gases contain aromatic hydrocarbons that affect human health. The Glycol hydrators used to remove water from the gases also release hydrocarbons to the air. The sludge alone is a risk on its own. It leaks at almost all the times causing a lot of contaminations.

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The health effects of exposure to these kinds of hazards are complicated and last for many generations. The impact of these emissions are already manifesting in the environment, the human and aquatic life. Studies have clearly shown that the range of diseases, illnesses, and health problems including psychological and social disruption that are evident in this residential area are caused by exposure to toxic chemicals, air pollutants, light radiations and noise. Many have already began experiencing asthma, cardiovascular disease and others due to the uncontrolled exposure to these hazards.

We as a community have therefore decided to have our stands on the gas production strategies. The companies should either adopt new strategies or close and look for somewhere else. They should look at their methods of disposing their wastes without negatively affecting the environment.

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We call upon the legal authorities to take an act to prevent further risks to human and animal life. We are not against the economic importance of the gas companies but, want a clean environment. We are therefore committed to collaborate with the companies given the opportunity to aid in the introduction and maintenance of better production techniques using better technologies to maintain a healthy environment.

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