Custom «Response E-Mail: Enforcing Smoking Ban» Essay Paper Sample
Dear Ms. English,
As you are quite aware of the problem due to smoking in the office compound it is my duty as manager of Accounting Services for Imperial Foods to convey the latest development regarding this above mentioned predicament and ask for your intervention in order to find a solution. It is fast becoming a difficult situation to handle and only your intercession can solve it.
As you know we are having difficulty enforcing the smoking ban in restrooms. Only one men’s room serves the floor, and 9 of the 27 male employees are smokers. I have already received complaints, and I see no possible way to enforce the ban in the restrooms. I should also mention that it has been noticed that smokers are taking longer breaks than other employees. When this issue of longer break was raised it was found that the smokers are complaining that they need more time because they must walk to an outside area. These smokers are especially unhappy when the weather is cold, rainy, or snowy. Moreover, it is also found that smokers huddle near the building entrances, creating a negative impression for customers and visitors.
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At the moment my committee members can find no solutions; in fact, they have become polarized in their meetings to date. As a result I desperately need help from a higher authority and I find you to be the best person to solve this issue and enforce the smoking ban or find an alternate solution. If I am allowed I would definitely request you to visit my department and formulate a solution or make obligatory to stop smoking at the rest room or in the office premise. I am really having difficulty enforcing the smoking ban in restrooms and you are the only person who can provide a solution. Please help me out of this situation keeping in view the best possible resolution for Imperial Foods.
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