Custom «Thank You for taking Time to Speak with Me» Essay Paper Sample

Thank You for taking Time to Speak with Me



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Dear _______________,

Thank you so much for your time and the privilege of speaking with you about the opportunity to work with your organization in the role of _______________. I really enjoyed our meeting and the things you have outlined regarding the position sound both challenging and rewarding.

After our conversation, I am confident that my experience and skills can be a good match for a _____________ at your company. This meeting has made me even more enthusiastic about working for NAME OF THE COMPANY, and I would welcome the opportunity to be a part of your team. In addition to my enthusiasm, I would bring all the analytical skills to address the issues we have discussed lately during the interview.

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Thank you once again for taking time to speak with me and for all your efforts to arrange my visit. I look forward to learning of your decision.


xxx xxxx.

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